Chapter 1

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Reina's POV

7:58... 7:59... 8:00! The time had finally arrived! I've been waiting for this this day for a long time! Today is the day I become part of the first group of fullmages to live in the human realm. You see, a few months ago, the 6 noble families of Zafiria were called upon and ordered that their firstborn child would be a part of the first step to combining both realms peacefully.

I ran to the "guest" room where Luna, my "cat", was sleeping on the bed in her human form. "Luna, wake up!" I shouted as I walked into her room. I watched as she groaned and groggily sat up.

"Ugh, what the hell do you want?" She responded before yawning and stretching her arms and legs while still laying down.

"Get up! Today is the day that we get sent to the human realm, and you're coming with me!"

"You could have woken me up later! All I need to do is change into my cat form!"

"Oh, right...."

I watched as she rolled her eyes, turned into her cat form, and went back to sleep.

I quickly ran to my own room and slipped on my outfit that I had picked out weeks prior; a white button-up blouse, black leggings, a black tailcoat, and knee-high black converses. I brushed my hair and took a glance at myself in my full-length Gothic mirror. Staring back at me was a 5'2" preppy teen with jet black hair and radiant purple eyes.

"I hope this goes well," I said to myself. I called for one of my many servants and told him to carry my suitcase and bookbag to the car. I then went to Luna's room, picked her up, and took her to the car. As I looked out the window, I couldn't help but sigh.....

This is the beginning of the rest of my life.....

Jey's POV

Ugh, what the fuck is that noise? It's so annoying... Wait... That's my alarm clock... What time is it? Oh, its 8:50... Five more minutes... Wait a second... 8:50?! The portal passing ceremony starts at 9! My parents will kill me if I'm even a second late! I should hurry, OR ELSE!!!

I quickly got up from my bed and grabbed a random hoodie and pair of jeans out of the small bunch of clothes I didn't pack. I hurriedly slipped the clothes on, put on my grey vans, grabbed my duffel bag, and rushed outside.

"God fuckin' dammit!" I said to myself as I realized that all three of our cars were gone, giving me no fucking way of transportation.

Suddenly, a light bulb switched on my head. I snapped my fingers, summoning my minion (not exactly minion, more like a kinda teammate, or sidekick), and one of my best friends, HARAMBE.

"What do you want?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, Harambe, can you give me a ride to the town hall? I'm gonna be late!"

"Sure, climb on," he replied,, turning his back to me. I hurriedly picked up my duffel back and climbed on. He started swiftly running to the hall.

It was at this moment that I looked down and realized that I already fucked myself over for the first day. Out of all the hoodies that I could have grabbed, I grabbed the neon pink "Wishington D.C." hoodie that my sister, Iris, got for me last Christmas.

Great. Its not even my first day in the human realm, and I'm already going to get teased for looking like a gay fruity pop-tart fuck.


Just fucking perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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