Chapter 9

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Brandon's POV: Just as I was about to leave Andy's office, he stopped me. "Brandon, I understand if you say no to this but I would like you find some more information on these...scarecrows." "I'll do it," I said hesitantly. "Thank you Brandon." "Tell Hayden and Taddie I said Hi, I'll be back soon." I walked out of the palace and into the forest, when Andy's Dad tapped my shoulder. "I need you to continue to spy on black."

Dave's POV: I had been training all day and talking to my father as well, trying to figure out what to do about these scarecrows. Sure, I could ask Andy but he's the most nicest person on earth and doesn't have one bad bone in his body. But he's good at strategies so I'll talk to him later.

I walked to Monica's room and knocked on the door. She didn't answer. I sighed but knocked again. "Monica open up, please." Next thing you know she's opening the door, and walks down the hallway. "Are you serious?!" I said, trying to hide my anger. "What? I opened the door, that's what you wanted right?!" "You're acting like the way you used to be! What's wrong?" "Just leave me alone." "No! We're married, so tell me what's wrong." She just shook her head and walked away. I ran after her, pulled her by her arm, "let go of me Dave!" I ignored her wishes and took her to my room and locked the door.

"YOU are MY WIFE and you are going to tell me what's wrong," I demanded. Her bottom lip started to quiver and she looked at me with angry eyes, then she started crying. "Hey Hey, I'm sorry I yelled at you. But I just wanna know what's wrong." "It wasn't the screaming." "Then what?" "B-Brandon isn't my best friend anymore." I was truly shocked. "What? Why?" "I-I don't kno-w." "Forget about him. I would love to have you as a best friend. You're the whole package for crying out loud!" I caressed her cheek, and wiped her tears with my thumb.

"I almost lost my virginity last night while I was drunk..." "We were both drunk, we got carried away." "I don't know what would've happened if An- someone hadn't interrupted us..." I grabbed her face and looked into her eyes, "Hey, we don't ever have to do that again if you don't to." She nodded. "Is this why you've been ignoring me all day?" She nodded again. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her.  After two minutes, both of us deepened the kiss. "Make-up make out session?" She smiled and kissed back.

Monica's POV: "Make-up make out session?" I couldn't help but smile and kiss back. I had this feeling. It was tickling my stomach and it made my heart beat faster. I pulled away from the kiss, "Do you feel that?" "Feel what?" Dave asked. "That your stomach is tickling and making you feel funny. Plus your heart is beating really fast." He chuckled, "Those are called butterflies. It's an idiomatic expression. They have that affect on you, usually when you have a crush on someone or developing feelings for someone..." I was shocked. I was starting to like Dave. But then I tried playing it off by laughing, "Me? Liking you so quickly? Nah." He shrugged and I felt bad. "But if it makes you feel better, I really like your kisses," I said as I squished his cheek. He smiled. But then realization hit me, Dave was my first kiss...the person I used to hate was my first kiss.

I was kicked out of my thoughts when Dave waved his hand in my face, "did you hear anything I just said?" "Sorry no." "I said that yesterday since we got carried away, I never got to give you this," he said as he handed me a box. "Go on, open it." I opened it, there was a book inside. It had my name ingraved on it with sparkeling silver. The rest of the book was black. I opened the book and there were blank pages. It was empty. I glided my fingers along the blank pages until I found one that wasn't. It read: I want you to be able to do something you love with the same amount that I have for you.

I looked up at Dave and he looked nervous. He shifted under my eyes. I tackled him to the ground. "Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!" I kissed his face all over minus the lips, just like I would do to my Dad. "You know, you're not making me love you any less when you do this," he chuckled. I found myself growing to really like his laugh. "Here, I got you this as well." It was a matching pen. I couldn't stop smiling. I felt like I was witnessing the sun rise, my heart was beating so fast. I loved this. This is what I've been wanting. But I found myself wanting to ask the question, so I did.

"Where'd you get this from?" "Oh, the white emp- Um, I-I made it," it sounded more like a question though. "How?" "I do crafting..." "okay.." That was all I needed. You see, I've heard about the white empire from easedropping. I just don't know what the difference is, but maybe it's like heaven? That's where people's dead bodies lay? Who where's white when you're dead? That's all I know though, that there's a white empire and some guy named Andy. I wanted to know more though, if only Brandon could help me. I mentally sighed to myself.

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