Sakura's POV:I was sleeping deeply in my bed, until my stupid alarm clock had to wake me up. I pressed the "snooze" button, so it would stop screaming like a chicken. I looked at the hour still half-asleep and it was 7:30. Today was the first day of school. I was kind of happy to start school again. I wasn't able to see my friends this summer, because of my summer job. I used to work in a camping. I got up of my bed yawning and took a look at myself in the mirror. My pink hair was everywhere on my face and I realized I didn't removed my makeup last night. I decided to brush my hair and remove my makeup. After, I walked to my closet to pick up my school uniform. "Man this uniform is ugly" I thought. I put my uniform on and brushed my lashes with some mascara. I was really hungry, so went down stairs to eat something quickly. I put my backpack on my back and hugged my mom before leaving.
"Bye mom, I love you!" I said still hugging her.
"Have a nice day my dear Sakura" she replied.
I went outside and started walking towards my bus stop. I looked up and noticed that the sky was perfectly blue with no clouds. "It is a beautiful sky indeed. I hope my first day at school will be fun" I thought. Suddenly, my iPhone started ringing. I looked at it and my best friend Ino was calling me.
"Hey Sakura! Are you excited for school?" Ino said with excitement.
"Yeah sure! I will finally be able to see you guys again!" I replied with a smile.
"Me too! Hey, just to let you know, I have a boyfriend. His name is Sai and he is really cute. We met at the job." She said.
"Great for you!" I replied.
Far away, I noticed that my bus was coming.
"Look Ino pig do you mind explaining this to me later? My bus is coming." I said while fixing my hair.
"Of course! Bye forehead!" Ino replied.
I hung up and came in the bus. I walked to the bottom of the vehicle. It was full of new faces I didn't know. Maybe I had a new bus this year. I sat next to a girl who was probably a year older than me. Her hair was red and she wore glasses. She was looking outside chewing a bubble gum. "She almost looked depressed." I thought. I decided to put on my headphones and listen to music.
-----> time skip of 20 minutes
Finally, we arrived to the school. I started walking to the principal door of the school, while searching for Ino. Everyone looked the same with this uniform on. Suddenly, someone jumped on me, causing me to fall on the ground.
"What the hell?!?!" I shouted.
"Idiot, it's me Ino!" Ino laughed.
I got up and got rid of the dust on me. Right after, I turned towards my friend and hugged her.
"I'm so happy to see you again Ino! It's been like 3 months since we haven't seen each other." I said with a smile.
"I know right?!" She said almost crying of joy. "Hey what classes do you have today?"
I put my backpack down and took a look at my agenda.
"Well, today I have math with Kakashi sensei, english with Guy sensei, arts with Lady Tsunade and history with a teacher that I don't know." I replied with disgust.
"Well, I suppose we will be in the same class this morning." Ino said with excitement.
The bell rang, so Ino and I picked up our math stuff and walked towards the math classroom. Once we came in the class, everyone was looking at us. We sat next to each other at the back of the class and waited until the teacher started talking. I took a look around me to see what kind of class I would have to endure in math this year. I noticed that there was one place left next to my best friend. Before Kakashi sensei was about to say "Hello" a guy with black hair and really pale skin entered the room.
"Sai!!!!" Ino screamed with joy.
"Sai.. Where have I heard that name before again? Umm... Oh that's right. It's Ino's boyfriend!" I thought. He kissed Ino and sat next to her. Then, a second later he looked at me confused.
"Hey honey, is that ugly pink haired girl the one you call your: bestfriend?" Sai whispered to her.
I looked at him with a deadly stare.
" UGLY??!? I dare you to say that one more time.!!!" I said angrily showing my fist to him.
Ino tapped me on the shoulder asking me to calm down. Soon enough, the teacher starts talking.
"Hello students, my name is Kakashi. I will be the one who will teach you guys math this year. I'm expecting to have hard working students in my class, so you better do your homeworks. So today, we will start of the year with some algebra." The teacher said while reading a book.
-----> time skip of 1h15.
Ino's POV:
I took a look at my agenda and realized I won't be with Sakura for the next class. That sucked. "Oh well, I will be with Sai at least." I thought.
"I guess we won't be together next class forehead." I sighed.
"Yeah, but at least you have Sai with you. Anyway, I better go right now. See ya at lunch pig!" Sakura said leaving.
Sai and I went to our next class together hand in hand smiling. On our way, we encountered many couples in the school. "Poor Sakura, she's still single..." I thought.
Sakura's POV:
I said goodbye to Ino and her annoying boyfriend Sai before leaving for the next class. My next class was English with Guy Sensei. "Not too bad." I thought. While I was walking I was thinking about something. In a way, even though I hate Sai, I'm still a little jealous of Ino's relationship with him. "I really wonder what it's like to a have a boyfriend". I thought. I was walking and then I saw a guy with mid-long black hair running towards me. "He must be really late." I thought. He wasn't looking where he was going though, so he ran into me. Both of us fell on our butts.
"Ouch! What where you're going next time idiot!" I said angrily.
"Hn. Sorry." The guy replied looking away from me.
We both got up and the boy started walking to his class, ignoring me. I started walking to my class too, but I was still looking at him behind me while walking.
*Hey guys! Thx a lot for reading the first part of my story! I know this a short chapter, but I promise that the next one will be way more interesting. I'm sorry if I do some errors. (I'm a french speaking person). Anyway, thanks again!*

*COMPLETE* Sasusaku: heartbreaker
Romance*This is my first fanfic, so no judging plz* Sakura Haruno, a sociable and hard working girl meets a guy named Sasuke at school. Unlike Sakura, Sasuke doesn't always do his homework and he's a big heartbreaker to girls. Despite all of that, she stil...