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Reindeer took the 2 black sharpies from his pencil case, licking his lips. He slid off the slick, shiny caps, then set them on the table in front of him. "Thank god everyone at my table is working" reindeer thought to himself. He took the black markers and placed on in his right hand, the one in his left remaining. He faced the felt tips of the sharpies towards each other. He looked side to side, to make sure no one is watching him. He slowly pushes the tips together before letting out a small moan under his breath. He began to push harder, letting out louder moans. The people at his table began to look at him, he played it off as a joke, but no one would know the truth. He was sexually attracted to sharpies. Black sharpies to be specific. He mentally finished and started to slip the caps back on both markers. He quietly slipped them back in his pencil case and shoved it in his backpack. Then reindeer resumed to his work.

(Kinky) but this is for reindeer. Reindeer, I will be posting this for the world to see. Now everyone knows your dirty little secret.

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