Committed- Jade Morgan Bailey

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Jade Morgan Bailey

For Ellie, the longest friend i've ever had, and the farthest away.

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
~Benjamin Disraeli

Chapter 1

    I used to believe that everything beautiful in life was beautiful to hide something. Something darker, scarier, so it was housed by a harmless looking exterior. I still do, but now I know that everything in life has it's one exception, Logan Weyland was mine, but it's not about him... yet. It'd be easier to tell you from the beginning.
    The first day of school, and of course I was late. But now that I look back I probably wouldn't have met him, and wouldn't be telling you this story.
    Well, ok, so I was late...

    If I turn around and go home, I wouldn't be missed at school. They'd just call my name and Ben would answer. I guess he's reason enough to go in.

Ben's my very best friend. He's always been there for me and always will be, and I'll always do the same for him.

I'm not that late, maybe I could just slip right into my first period class. I'll ask to go to my locker next period.

    I Barely got a foot in the door.

"You're late." Said the old lady without even looking up from her paper. "Go to the office and get a late slip." I look at Ben and shrug, turning back around and walking out of the classroom. I take, what I like to call, 'the walk of shame' to the office.
    It feels like it takes me way too long to get there. A boy was sitting in one of the side chairs, waiting to be helped. He had jet black hair, short and spiked on the top. His torso was highly chiseled. He was wearing a shirt that should have been against school regulation. His black jeans, that fit him well, made his gray shirt even worse. He smiles.

    Logan Weyland.

"Bailey Meyers, late..... again." She sounds mean right, but, "Tell you what. I won't put it on your record," I start to thank her when she says, "but you will be showing Mr. Weyland around until he knows this school like the back of his hand."
"But I don't even know this school like the back of my hand. It's like I find a new freckle everyday." I could hear the boy chuckle from behind me, which for some reason, infuriates me.
"Then again I could put it on your record and you could still show Logan around-"
"I know this school like it were my home." I interrupt, again Logan chuckles. Without another word I take Logan's wrist and lead him quickly out of the office. I let go as soon as we get to the hall, I extend my hand for him to give me his schedule, and look through it. Great, he has mostly all of his classes with me.
"You have first period with me." I say to him, still looking at his schedule. We only have two classes that aren't together.
"This way" I say and continue. "We have assigned seats so she'll put you wherever if you want my help to find our next class then wait for me when the bell rings." We walk into class and the teacher stops talking to look at me and Logan.
"I told you to come back with a slip, not a... person."
"Oh, well... he kind of came with it." She smiles.
"Have a seat." She said to me, then continued to Logan "as for you, name?"
"Logan Weyland." He says smiling at her. I walk through the aisles of seats to sit beside Ben.
"What did I miss?"
"You don't remember, do you?"
"Not at all." He turns to me. "You left me with her." I smile.

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