Chapter One: Never Say Never

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I've never been much of a risk-taker.

I've never broken a bone, never smoked or had alcohol;

I've never done anything that might have a consequence.

Living twenty-three years without taking a single risk is exhausting. 

I don't want to have any regrets later in life. 

My name is Alexandria Harriet and I am boring. I am afraid to take chances because I fear failure.

But I'm trying to change that, I really am.


My best friend, Aaina, talked me into applying for a job about a month ago. If I got the job, I would be working as an assistant for Dr. Lance Sweets, a Psychologist. 

And today is the day that I find out the results. Today is the day that I either pass or fail, and honestly, I'm terrified. 

I got a text:

"Sweets here. Meet me @ Founding Fathers in 30 mins? Thanks."

My hands were shaking. My heart was racing. Aaina, glanced at me, and saw that I was anxious.

"Xannie, what's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing really... I just got a text from Sweets. He, uh, wants me to meet him at Founding Fathers in thirty minutes. I'm just a little nervous."

She smiled. "Well that seems like good news, right? He wouldn't take time out of his busy schedule just to tell you that you didn't get the job," she paused, "look, you're brilliant. I'm not going to lie, I've been a little jealous at times. You were fourth in your class, and now after all the hard work you've put in, you have earned the title of Dr. Harriet. You totally deserve this. Now you put on a nice outfit and go get the job." She pointed at the closet that we shared.


I was on my way to the place, and all of my anxiety was fading into excitement. Aaina was right. He's a busy guy. He wouldn't put forth all of this effort just to break bad news to me. 


I parked the car and walked in through the door. Sweets waved to get my attention and I sat down in the spot right across from him.

"Hey, Alexandria. So I have a couple of questions for you, is that alright?" He smiled.

Confidence, Xan, have confidence.

"Yeah, that's totally fine. What all do you want to know?" I resisted the urge to fidget.

"First thing is what you want to be called. Do you have any preferred nicknames?"

I took a second to think. I've always had lots of nicknames, so it'd be difficult to pick just one that I like.

"I'm not really sure, I have lots of things that people call me. Xandra, Xannie, Alex, Xan... I'm totally fine with whatever you're comfortable with."

"Awesome. Okay. So is there anything else I should know before you start working with me?"

My eyes widened and for a second I couldn't hear anything. All I could hear are the words "before you start working with me" echoing in my mind.

My train of thought halted. "So, I got the job?" My eyes met his hopefully.

He laughed quietly. "Yeah, absolutely. Xandra, you have outstanding credentials, you've got an approximate IQ of over 150, and to top it all off, you're easily likeable."

I don't think I've ever smiled that widely before. "Wow, Sweets. Thank you so much!"

He laughed again. "I should be the one thanking you. I'm totally stoked to start working with you. You'll be starting on Monday, and I'll need you in my office at nine. I'll see you then." He reached his hand out to shake mine.

I left the restaurant and started driving to the apartment. All I could think about was how completely excited I was. 

For the first time in my life, I wasn't frozen with fear. 

We'll just have to see how long that'll last.


Thanks so much for reading! I update this fic every Sunday. :) 

(This one's just starting out, and so the next chapter will be when you meet the Squinterns and the rest of the gang.)

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