To be with you (Bubbline)

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Marceline was on her way to Finn and Jakes treehouse. The night was young and a cold brease reached into her nostrills. A light came from one of their windows and she decided to fly over there

She knocked at the window and saw Jake coming towards her. He opened the window.

"Marceline? What are you doing here?" He asked.

-What? You're not going to invite me inside?? *pffh* Rude."

"Oh, I didn't mean like that! Please come in!" Jake stepped aside so the vampire Queen could fly trough.

Marceline looked around.

"Wheres Finn?" She asked and turned around.

"Finn? He's with Bubblegum."

"Oh, I see."

"Um.. Is something wrong Marceline? Ya'll look kinda sad, or is it just your normal face?" Jake said with an uncomfrotable smile.

"No! Ofcourse NOT! I mean, why would I be ... sad.." Marceline gave up. She's not the one who comes and cries everytime something is wrong, but this time, she couldn't hold the mask.

"Well, theres something I need to ask you.. It's about Finn and PB.."

"Oh, I get it." Jake pads the vampire on her back.

"You do??"

"Yeah, I knew this day would come!"

"Wait, what day??" Marcy doesn't really get what the yellow dog is trying to say.

"Well duh! The day you confesses your luuuuve for Finn!! And, even tho you're a bit scary for me, I'll bet you'll be a perfect girlfriend for my hoomie!" Jake's almost screaming out the words that is coming out of his mouth.

"No wait you idiot!! That's NOT what I ment!!" Marcys face's turning red.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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