Come on Maggy

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Maggy's P.o.V.
"Come on Maggy! It'll be sooooo much fun!!" My friend Lia says "I don't want to go to a damn bar with you and your friends I'm perfectly happy staying in and working on my project for school." She continued to beg saying that I didn't have to drink anything. Just soda's. "You know what? Fine. I will go if it will make you shut up." I remove the phone from my ear right before a girly screech erupted from the other end. "Yeah yeah. I'll see you in an hour." I say rolling my eyes. Like they are gonna let me in the bar. I'm nineteen! But I go and put on a dress anyway because if I didn't Lia would make me either way. I throw my hair up in a high pony and wait.

*time skip*

I'm standing in the middle of the clump of girls each of them with their fake ID's each saying that they were 21. The man at the door only checks 4 or 5 and just lets the group in. I was really hoping he would check mine and kick me out.. But he didn't. I go to the bar and ask for a Pepsi. He hands me a bottle with the lid popped off. I give him the money and walk over to Lia, who already has an alcoholic drink in her hand.

"Don't look now but there are some cuties looking your way Maggy." One of Lia's friends says a little to suggestively "Go on Maggy and talk to them you have been standing here for like 30 minutes not talking. I demand you go talk to them." Lia says kind of poking me. Why can't they leave me be? "This wasn't part of the deal. I still have to be here to drag your drunk ass back to your dorm." By the time I finished saying that. Lia had already taken four more shots. God. I might as well leave. I guess hanging out with those guys might not be that bad right?

I decided to look their way and found that they were actually pretty good looking. Both in nice clothes, one with Hair that looked like the caramels in foil wrapping, the other with hair slightly darker than mine. His hair was so brown it was almost black. "I'll give them a chance." I think. I was over "Hey why are you alone? Or is your date over there?" The one with black hair says "I came over here because you seemed like the better of my two options." I point over at the group of girls including Lia. "They were my other option. You guys seemed more interesting."

"I'm Jackson and this is Lucifer." He nods towards his friend with the caramel hair. He looks familiar... Like a boy I have in my creative writing class. His name is Jace. But I brush it off. "I'm Maggy." Lucifer shouts to the bartender "Another one." He looks at me. "Actually make that two." He smiles and hands the glass to me. "What is this?" I ask Slightly suspicious. "It's um... I don't really know." He grimaces at his shot glass. "But it doesn't taste like alcohol I can tell you that. Go ahead and try it." I look from the shot glass to him and back to the glass. I glance over at Jackson. "Fuck it" I mutter. I take the glass and tip all of its contents into my mouth. It tasted fruity but I still could detect a slight twinge of Tequila. I swallow and put the glass down on the bar. "Hey have you eaten yet?" Jackson asks me. I shake my head. I was gonna get some McDonalds after I dropped Lia and her friends off at home. But what's the point in waiting. "I have an idea" Lucifer says.

"Follow me." Me and Jackson walk out of the bar behind him and onto the overly populated streets of Long Island we start walking down the street keeping close to each other so we didn't lose each other. Only then did I realize that they were both taller than me. Lucifer being about four inches taller and Jackson being about 5 or 6 inches taller than me. It was awkwardly silent between the three of us even on the busy street. I decided to make some small talk. "So how old are you guys?" I asked "We're both 21." Says Lucifer "How old are you?" Jackson added. Now here I had two options. I could lie and say I'm 21 as well or I could tell the truth and face the consequences. "I'm.." I hesitate. "I'm 19." I sigh. One of the boys make a Hmm sound "So how did you get into the bar?" Jackson was clearly the one with the most interest. "I was dragged with my friend Lia. I didn't even want to go. I would rather have been at home watching Netflix or something.

After a while of walking we finally get to the place Lucifer wanted to go. It looked like a buffet. But it was very fancy and you didn't pay when you walked in but when you walked out. Must be a Long Island thing. We went in and were seated almost immediately. Lucifer and I went straight to the dessert. Jackson gave us a long weird look but doesn't question it. After finally eating some real food and we were full, Lucifer stood up grabbing my arm. "You ready?" He asks me "For what..?" I answer his question with a question. "On the count of three run and follow me." He whispers in my ear as we walk closer to the door. "One...two..." he hisses in a low voice "Three." he says in his normal voice. I sprint as fast as I can following Lucifer.

It might be a while before I post the next part. This is all I have for now. 

See ya later ~ Milk-Chan

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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