The secret of musical tune - by rabia

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Gist - All I can say about this story is that READ AT UR OWN RISK .

The night is scaryy…. Heavy wind is blowing… sound of cracking of trees branches is coming……. Everything is looking likeee blackkk deep blackkkk…. Suddenly one shadow is shown coming with all over black in clrrr… the shadow is head to toe is blackkk…

His direction is towards the housee whose all lights are switched off only one dim light is on at the entrance…. First the shadow saw towards main door then he starts going towards the backside… a dim light is coming from one window between the curtains….

Shadow goes and starts beating the window…

While the scene shifts to inside the house:-

A girl is seen sitting inside the launch… all the lights were off…. She having a big packet of chips in her hand… and have face pack on all over her face….

She is very much indulged in seeing the Super natural’s episode…. The climax is near… but suddenly she heard a bang on the window… she jumps in fear and all the chips scattered around…

Girl is breathing heavily while putting her hand on her chest…. She took few seconds… and then grabs a vase and starts walking towards the window…

She is goinggg towards the window with chanting in mind

She slowly removes the curtain and peeps outside buttttt she starts screaming loud because from outside someone also peeping from the same side from where the girl is peeping….

Girl is screaming but in her screams someone else screams also come… and that screams if of the shadow who is peeping inside beacuseeee hee saw her face which is covered with face pack…

Girl: aaahhh aaahhhhh mummmyyyyy mumyyyyy aaahhhhhh

Shadow: aaaaahhhh mummy daadddyyyy broooo sissss gaurrddddddd help helppp helpppp

Girl who is screaming while jumping stops after listening the shadows voice and again peeps and said : sanskar?????

Shadow: whoo is also screaming like a mad person stops on hearing thiss and turns towards the girl and said swara???

Swara: what the hell is this get up??

Sanky: same goes to u?? who the hell put face pack at night time??

Swara: its my face I will doo what I want to do but now u tell mee what the hell u done with your self???

Sanky with a pout : I was coming but my car broke down soo I start walking butt suddenly one dog starts chasing mee soo I fall down in the gutter

Swara starts laughing like a mad person on hearing thisss..

Swara: hahahahahahaha

Sanky: stop laughing otherwise u will get crack on your face due to face pack

Swara who is laughing like a mad said: oopss but why did u bang on the window??

Sanky: because if I’ll come from front door then the entire house will become dirty and I lost my cell also soo I knock on the window

Swara: idiot it was not a knock it was a bang now come from the kitchen side I’ll wash u with pipe

Sanky: okiiii darling

Sanky comes and swara washed him with the help of pipe and give him clothes which he changed in the nearby storeroom in the same time swara also washed her face…

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