To guys/men/boys who are reading this i want you to see and listen about how we feel when you leave us, when we have a fight or even when we are lovely dovey . I want you to see what happens to us and how it affect our daily life, you think it's nothing ( especially playboys ). You see we may be head over heals on you and you may just playing us and our feelings for fun or for a bet or something. YOU don't understand how every word our loved ones say ( you, family....) affect our daily life. So, i hope you understand how we feel.
To girls, i am like you i got heartbroken many times, questioning what i did wrong or what made leave me or why did we fight. I want you girls to talk to me ( message me ) about your feelings about anything a guy made u feel and how it affected you.
By then end of this book i HOPE that guys/men/boys/playboys know how we feel and actually appreciate us
What's wrong?
Non-Fictionsometimes u think u did the wrong thing but the truth is he did it