emys story

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Hair color: purple
Eye color:pupel
Hair style:pixi cut
Outfit:pupel sweater and short shorts
Special: has 2 pairs of eyes bottoms sewed shut
Story: emy grew up not so good here father died from drugs and her mother drank when she was stressed and told emy she is her least favorite child. She had a brother and sister rosaline and doil emy was the oldest. When she was 16 she decided to sign up to be a test subject. The experiment when horribly wrong and grew another set of eyes. The scientists thought emy would sew them so they kept her locked up. At night she escaped and was stumbling every were she could enter see well she found a needel and thread and sewed my first pair of eyes. Then she killed every single scientists by singing a lullaby and making a rope with the thread and hung them and picked there eyes out.

Wepon:needel and thread

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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