Chocolate Covered Strawberrys

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"Hey Vallery."

"Hi Jonah!"

"Do you want to hangout today?"

"Yeah sure! what are we going to do?"

"I was thinking we could make some chocolate covered strawberries..."

"I would love that! I'll be over in a bit!"

*2 hours later*

I pull up to his house and stop the car. 'Hmm I wonder why he wants to make strawberries'

"You made it!" he exclaimed.

"Yes indeed I did!"

"So do you want to get started?" he asked smiling widely.

"Where exactly is the start?" I ask jokingly.

"I'll guide you. We just have to make the chocolate since I already bought the strawberries."

'Mmmm chocolate...'

"Sounds great! what do we do first?"

"Can you go get the chocolate from the cupboard?" He asked sweetly

"I certainly can!"

As I got the chocolate I could feel his gaze on me. I loved it when he looked. At me with those big blue eyes. And the way his blond hair flopped on his head. It looks almost as sweet as this chocolate. Wait chocolate? oh yeah I was getting chocolate!

"Are you okay in there?" He asked,"you didn't eat it all did you?"

"Nope just most of it!" I said jokingly.

"So all we have to do is put it in this pot and put it over some simmering water." he stated.

"Sounds easy enough."

As we watched the chocolate slowly melt he turned on the radio.

"I HAVE DIED EVERY DAY WAIIIIITING FOR YOUUUUUU!" I screamed slash sang looking at him. When he abruptly stopped the radio.

"That's not true." he said.

"What isn't?"

"You haven't died every day. I have. Every day I go with out you is worse then the past." he whispered to me.

"I love you." I said quietly.

"I love you to the end of the universe and back." he stated.

Then I remembered something.

"But the universe doesn't end?" I said quietly slightly confused.

"Exactly. I will never stop loving you." he said as he rapped his arms around my waist. I could smell his scent. Mint and vanilla. Mmmmn. As I stirred the chocolate more I decided it was ready for the strawberries.

"Go get the stwaberwys pwease!" I said in a baby voice.

"Only cus your adorable."

As we dipped the strawberries we realized that this will be more messy then expected.

I relentlessly wiped my hand on my face in frustration.

"You got a little somethin'" he said poking my face with his messy fingurs, smearing the spot even more.

"Rude!!!!" I said

"It's okay I'll get it!" He said taking his finger and wiping the chocolate of my face. the he popped his finger in his mouth and smiled. "Mmmmm delicious!"

'Awwww' I thought to my self.

As I finished dipping my strawberry he started tickling me.

"S-s-sToP!" I said through gobbs of breath. when he started tickling me I had thrown my strawberry in the air and it came back down smacking me in the face.

"Thanks!" I said acting mad.

"It's okay I can get that." he whispered as he leaned closer and closer to my face and put his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync almost perfectly. I finally get why he wanted to make strawberries this is what we did the first time he asked me out. As we kissed all I could think about was if I was doing it right or if I was any good. But finally I just gave up and let my urge take over as his tongue fought to gain access to my mouth so I granted it. We explored each other's mouths I relaxed and enjoyed every moment of it. He tasted like chocolate covered strawberries.


Authors note

So how was it? Fid you enjoy? I'm thinking of just making up stories for these 2 characters to be in but in different short stories, you know? I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes! suggest any ideas for stories in the comments! love you guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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