Chapter 1

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Jessica opened her eyes too see dim gray light piercing through the dead branches of the tree above her.  Reluctantly she got up and stretched her arms,  popped her back with a satisfying "POP" she smiled shortly then got up to get some breakfast.  

When she got up she looked around at her temporary "home" if you could call a worn down sleeping bag, some ratty clothes, and a dead tree that. She looked behind her to see her bag thrown down on the ground where he threw it the night before. She leaned down too peer inside it. All she saw was a few measly pieces of stale bread a few cans of cold soup and a pocket knife. You could never be too safe now a days, especially with the Remainders roaming around. She shook her head in disgust at the thought of them. 

Slowly she straighten'ed up with a can of beans. She knew this wouldn't do too fill her gnawing hunger but it would hold her off until she could steal some food from the town bakery. "Borrow "she corrected herself mentally. But before she did that she decided she needed to wash up a bit. Walking down too the small creek that she used for washing and hiding when the need arises she thought about how her life had changed since two months ago.

It all started with her and her dad watching the Tuesday night news. Jessica had, had a rough day at school with the usual hollow headed popularity girls picking on her because of whatever they came up with that day. That day they thought she was an "attention seeking brat." Which Jessica thought was quite ironic considering they were the ones doing the talking. But besides that the teachers were in their usual nervous self because of the war going on. But her Jessica's day got a little bit better when she got home because her dad got to come home early that day and they finally got to spend some time together. 

Her dad was rarely home in time too see Jessica before she went to bed because of his job as a worker in the factory that helped produce weapons, to help ship to the war on the southern edge of Missouri. It was in fact because of that, they were sadly moving to get away from the war like almost everyone else was. Jessica didn't want to move from the house she had grown up in but her mother explained "I'm sorry Jess, but that's the way it has to be. The war is just getting a little to close for my comfort and I don't want to see anything bad happen to you or Cody." 

She knew her mom was right but it didn't mean she had to like the move. Looking back at that day she realized how lucky she had been to have a roof over her head and food always on the table when she got home, or not needing to worry when her next meal might be. But how was she supposed to know what would happen that night? 

Jessica remembered going to bed early and having her dad tuck her in, even though she was 16. She had slept quite well until she heard her mother's piercing scream. It was awful hearing her scream it was a sound of pure terror. It made Jessica jump right out of bed but before she could do so much as open her bedroom door it burst apart making her go flying backwards. She hit her carpeted floor with her left shoulder. Suddenly black filled her vision and she realized it was because it was people. About three of them in total and they all had he same logo on their right shoulder and left side of their chest. A red R with a blue line underneath it. Thinking on instinct she rolled over on to her stomach and crawled underneath her bed as soon as the men entered her room. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts Was her mom okay? What about Cody? Who are these people? Panic racked her whole body. She was so terrified all she could do was lie there and hope beyond hope they wouldn't find her there. She heard scuffling downstairs and she heard a muffled yell then a dull thud ending with the sounds of hr mom sobbing.

Finally after a couple of minutes they left the room and headed back downstairs. Then she heard the door open followed by footsteps then the door slamming shut then silence. Nothing but awful, cold silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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