It's been summertime. You and your family decided to spend your vacation in Seoul. You're very excited with this for the reason that you'll now able to have many chances of seeing and meeting your favorite KPOP stars.
Upon your arrival at Incheon Airport, you were truly amazed for the reason that you and your biases were breathing the same air. And because of this, you didn't notice that your family left you already. And by the time you've noticed it, you don'y know where did they go. And you've become disappointed.
You were roaming around the airport, looking for your parents and your sibling(s). You were about to cry but somebody taps your shoulder. And when you turned around, you were so shock when you saw Sehun's face who looks so worried.
"Are you okay, miss?" he asked. But instead of answering his question, you just bow down your head and began to cry. Sehun was trying to calm you down by caressing your hair.
"There, there. Stop crying now, miss. I'll accompany, I promise that, okay?" he said, smiling. You nodded as an answer then later on smiled at him. He even wiped your tears after that. You're face suddenly turned red.
Ten minutes have passed but Sehun was still with you and you're enjoying his presence for he was talking about his life of being a KPOP star and being an ordinary one. It's like both of you have known each other for a long time.
But both of you stopped from laughing when you heard somebody calling out your name. It was your parents and they've been so worried about you. As you look at Sehun, he was smiling but the spark on his eyes, you've seen awhile ago, disappeared.
"Your parents were here now." he said.
"Yeah. Thanks for being a companion for about 10 minutes, Sehun-ah." you answered, smiling.
"It's my obligation, my dear," he said and winked at you. You're face suddenly turned red again. You've never expected something like that to happen. But this shocking moment turns to be more shocking when he picks his phone from his pocket, grab your hand, and place his phone onto your hand.
"Amm ... can I have your number? So that I'll be able to fulfill my promise that I've made awhile ago." he continued. Then a smile was eventually written on your face.
Hope you'll like it ^^
~ ☆ YANNI LEE ☆ ~

EXO Imagines and One-Shots
RomanceA compilation of original EXO imagines and one-shots made by the author.