Friend ship

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My life is driven by every feeling but love, fear, empathy. If i achieve any of those i fall apart and if i fall apart i can't be the same man if i can't be the same i start over. But all that changed one fateful day. 

It was a beautiful day i was walking through town looking for a bounty i was a bounty hunter that's the only job that makes little effort and has big payment. I stopped to pick up a snack i got some trail mix. I went to the cashier stand. I saw my bounty enter the store i then exited the store and stood next to the door. The man i was hunting down exited the door I placed my hand on my side arm and started walking after him and called out his name. George Martinez was his name and he turned and saw me pointing my weapon. He smiled a devious smile i knew immediately that he had a plan. He reached behind his back and pulled out a colt python. I shot his leg and he went down hard on his back and dropped his weapon i kicked it away and i handcuffed him. I took him to the police station and turned him in. I got my reward of 40,000 and went to a bar to celebrate. I had two Samuel Adams' and a few shots of cazadores. I called a taxi home. On the way home i saw something going on in an alleyway. I payed the taxi driver and told him to stop. I got off and peeked around the corner and i witnessed a man getting robbed. I tackled the robber and unarmed him i handcuffed him. And called a taxi to take him to to the police station. I gave the man his belongings and i took him to a bar to get a drink. His name was Emile Chaillon. He was from Neuve Chapelle France. He was a farmer. We became good friends. He describe his life and told me he has a wife with two young boys. Freddie and Walt. His wife's name was Maria. The next day i invited Emile and his family to my house to watch the game and meet my wife Alice and my son John. We were enjoying the game when my phone rang. I left the room and answered the phone. It was an unknown number but when i answered there was none there. I hung up and went back to my living room, sat down and enjoyed the game.


It's been two months ever since I met Emile. He became my most trusted and loyal friend as did I to him. We were on a bounty hunt for a man named Benjamin Rodriguez. He had several charges for breaking and entering, Assault, shooting an officer, etc. We were dead on his tracks and we found him in a bar outside of town. Me and Emile went in and found him passed out drunk we payed for his drinks and we took him to the station and we got our reward of $500,000. We split it evenly and we went to get a drink we were talking about another bounty we were hired for. He was an ex Marine he had charges for hijacking military weapons, opening fire on civilians, and burning down several buildings. His name was Alejandro Dominguez.


We loaded our equipment into our truck. It was a 1999 Black ram 1500 4x4. We found out where he was hiding. He was hiding an old WW2 bunker outside of town. Emile and me put on our gear. We had a bulletproof vest with a helmet imitating swat. Emile had a AK-47 while I welded a m-16 and a colt python. We blew a charge to open the door and immediately threw a smoke bomb and waited for the smoke to clear then we entered I followed Emile inside and we searched the entire bunker. During the search we discovered a hatch, we opened it and threw a smoke bomb. We heard nothing and we jumped in. it appeared to be an armory but without explosives. We searched everywhere when we heard the door to enter the bunker open. We exited the armory then the bounty was standing in the living room and was armed with a spaz-12. He fired the first shot nearly hitting Emile then he shot at me. He missed mere inches of me. It was an all out gun fight. In the middle of the gunfire i heard Emile scream in pain. He was shot in his left arm. I Shot the bounty he went down and he was no more. I ran to Emile with a med-kit and called an ambulance. As I was helping Emile he past out because of the pain. The medics arrived and took him to the hospital.


Emile was in a hospital bed with a cast on his left arm. His family was in the room they were laughing with him. After a while they left and i asked how he was and Maria said he'd recover in a few weeks. I entered the room and asked how he was feeling. He was fine except he would have to take a few medications to speed up the process. I left and went home on my way home my phone started ringing. It was the same unknown number. I answered and I heard my wife on the phone. She said that her tire is flat and she needed help and she was calling on an unknown number because i told her to lay low because of my job. I went to her location and helped her replace the wheel. I finished with the wheel i hugged her and said goodbye I got into my truck and was backing it up so she can pass when a heard a gun shot. I ducked down and pulled out My colt Python I fired at the shooter at both his knees he collapsed in pain. I turned and saw my wife on the ground lifeless. I ran to her and she was shot at the bottom of her right lung she was breathing her final breaths and she told me where her will was and she told me to open the letter in the will to know her true and final words. I held her hand it went cold and I knew she was gone I called an ambulance and the police. The ambulance took my wife and the police arrested the shooter. 

-Authors Note-

Hey guys i changed this story and i hope you like the first part and tell me if you want to keep writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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