Ch. 1

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Ch. 1

"Whoa, whoa whoa." Heracles held up his hands trying to stop the situation before it progressed any further.

Perseus looked at him confused while Dionysus didn't seemed surprised by his hesitation.

"We're not going anywhere with you, Dionyquil, er, whatever your name was. Not until you tell us more than that. We don't go running just because some random guy shows up, claims to be a son of Zeus, and says the gods sent him to fetch us."

Heracles sent a slightly accusing look at Perseus who had the good mind to at least be embarrassed. For all his years of skepticism at anyone he met, he had apparently let his guard drop; taking this guy at his word with no proof of anything he was telling them.

The dark haired man looked a little offended at the butchery of his name but not opposed to further proving his identity and mission.

"Why don't we make camp here for the night. We can eat, drink some wine and I will tell you everything I know."

Heracles hesitated for a minute, unsure whether he should trust this supposed son of Zeus at all. Athena had appeared to them less than a week ago and made no mention of the gods being in trouble. Surely if they needed help, she would have mentioned it in between giving them the Krotala and destroying Perseus' eardrums.

But a small part of him told him that this guy wasn't lying. Though he looked nothing like him, Heracles felt a certain kinship to him. The feeling compelled him to at least hear him out completely before making any judgments.

And another part of him realized that if this guy was telling the truth and they blew him off, it might end with their being blasted out of existence by a bunch of pissed off immortals.

He glanced at Perseus to make sure he didn't have any input but the son of Poseidon still seemed to be wallowing in his embarrassment from before.

"Very well. We have some Stymphalian Birds left that we can cook up." Heracles offered, ignoring Perseus' look of loathing at the thought of more birds to eat. "But I'm afraid we are a bit short on the wine."

Dionysus smiled widely at his words, "Don't worry about the wine brother, I have that covered."

Despite his reservations, Heracles couldn't help but smile himself. The thought of some strong wine to go with his excellent cooking seemed like just what he and Perseus needed.


Dionysus was a man of his word.

Heracles wasn't sure he'd ever tasted a finer wine. And from the mellowed out vibe in the group and Perseus' drooping eyes, it was certainly strong. He's almost forgot how much he liked wine. Everything seemed so much better after a few cups of the divine liquid.

"So," Heracles began, "let's hear it. What's so bad that the gods sent you to come and find us?"

This seemed to break Perseus from his daze as he sat up looking much more alert. Even Dionysus seemed to sober up at the question, something that gave Heracles a bad feeling.

"Hera has been taken."

Dionysus' words hung over the threesome heavily. No one spoke, seemingly waiting for the more information. When it didn't come, Heracles burst out laughing.

"Hera? Hahahaha! You can't be serious! You think we're going to help you aide Hera? I would rather cast myself into Tartarus before I helped her!"

Perseus had started to chuckle when Heracles started laughing but stopped when he saw the fierce look on the other demigod's face. Dionysus glared at Heracles.

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