Justin and March were walking down the street, happily holding hands as they laughed about one thing or another. They crossed the street, but seeing as the crosswalk was thin and they were too afraid to walk outside of the lines, March walked behind Justin. Just then, March happened to look to the side to see a man with a gun pointed right at Justin's head.
"Justin, no!" he called out as he pushed Justin ahead, taking his place. The man previously in danger looked behind him just in time to see his teal-haired lover look at him with fear in his eyes and tears running down his cheeks. It seemed as if life was in slow motion as he watched the bullet pierce through March's left temple.
"M-March!" he called out, his voice cracking in surprise. He immediately fell to the floor, Justin falling to his knees beside him. The winged male cradled his now-dead lover in his arms, burying his face in his hair and sobbing loudly. "Why?" he called out repeatedly.
The attacker scoffed. "Weak. Just like all the other beasts. No magic and not even an ounce of pride. I'm not surprised, you're all pathetic. Especially your psychic boyfriend, thinking an inter-class relationship would work. I was aiming for you, I hope you can at least comprehend that with your airhead."
Justin looked up at him, with malice in his once playful golden eyes. He took note of the pentacle on his neck. Goddamn entitled warlocks think they own the world, He thought to himself furiously. He let his anger get the best of him, screaming both in agony and anger as he tackled the murderer of his beloved March.
The aviator's fists repeatedly collided with the attackers face as tears poured down his own. He only stopped once he realized the man had been out cold for a good few minutes. The tears never ceased as he flew to his home, the body of his lover in his arms. He opened the door, walking in and flopping himself on the sofa, and gently laid March's body next to him. Head in his hands, he sat alone in the silence.
whelp. yep. this was sad. i didnt proofread. and also the pain hasnt even started yet. everyones sad. woo.
Fanfikceokay this was just something really depressing i thought about bc i like watching my girlfriend suffer. enjoy.