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Brook moved her staff at half her usual speed but was still able to block the staff of her opponent. Her return strike was at her controlled half-speed, with little of her strength, and they barely blocked... this time. The pup she was training was covered in bruises which would be gone before morning from the moves they hadn't blocked, the pain would remind him he needed to block them. The pup was missing basic moves now but had let him stop with a successful block.

Grounding her staff, "You need to get your high blocks up faster, Jake, if you want to be good enough to do patrols."

Jake couldn't speak, he was so out of breath. He nodded he heard, as he went to get a drink of water from his water bottle beside his seat on the bench at the side of the workout-circle. It was the same size as a challenge circle, but rather than just bare ground packed hard, it was padded well to absorb hits and the young pups appreciated it.

Brook nodded at the next pup, and repeated the exercise, while the rest watched. Her group of five pups were the ones who the instructors thought had potential, even though they were just beginning their second decade of life. If they survived the decade, they would be trained and have the skills to enter the Enforcers and be able to help defend and protect the pack.

She was a little surprised there was three she-pups this year who had been offered and decided to take the class, as usually the majority interested were he-pups, but she treated them the same, as it didn't matter the gender to her, she taught them all equally. If the girls—or boys—needed extra help to succeed, they would ask or drop out. Most who were offered the training took it, as it usually meant a senior wolf thought they could get a high rank in the pack. Likely to be a Patrol leader before they were a century old, and they might even reach Beta rank. All were wearing matching close-fitted shorts and tank top, which were now sweat-soaked from their hard morning with her.

The few who dropped out either found it to not be for them or were not willing to put in the effort needed to succeed. The pack knew it wasn't for everyone, as it was one of the hardest positions in the pack, thus it was also one of the most respected. Even these pups who were mostly just starting their training would be role models for the younger, so knew they had higher standards they had to meet; if they broke a rule, they would be punished as an example too.

"Showers!" Brook eventually called out, dismissing the pups for the morning. In the afternoon, the Elders worked with them on their class learning skills. They had to meet the human provincial learning skills, but with even only having half the time of the humans, they were able to generally meet the average grades. Some didn't bother with anything past high school, but for those who had the marks to make them in, the pack paid for them to go to their choice, provided they continued to pass. If they failed, they–or their parents–had to pay for them to retake the class. All were expected to at least graduate high school unless they had an exception from the Alpha. There were a few of those, who the Alpha had permitted, but had discussed it with the human education board, and they had agreed with it. Often it was exceptions for classes, so they could still graduate.

She headed up to her room on the second floor, so she could wash up without anyone bothering her. She did share the bathroom with her friends Evan and Kuri, who had the bedroom on the opposite side of the bathroom, but they were out on patrol, and wouldn't be back until late afternoon at the earliest. Stripping off her bike shorts and thong underwear, along with her sport bra, all of which were soaked from her training, as she had tossed her tank aside mid-morning, dumping them into the laundry hamper, she hopped into the shower.

After pulling on some fresh clothes of a soft capris and matching tank top in blue, over a clean sports bra and panties, Brook headed down to lunch as her stomach complained about the delay to shower. The pack generally did a buffet line of food, and each picked out what they wanted and served themselves. It made it easy for the pack chef and their helpers, as they had only to bring out to one place and could easily refill the trays. Making her choices, she headed for her usual spot.

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