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A/N Albert's boring so whenever I switch perspective I jump to a new part e.g from when they meet to when they are the piano again.

Victoria's POV

My hands caressed the soft keys of the piano, stretching with all their petite might whilst maintaining elegant flow. My back ached from swaying back and forth within the boundaries of my posture yet the satisfaction of my eyelids flicking back from the white music sheet, made gold in the light, marred with deep maroon polka dot notes, to the similarly coloured keys gave an air of importance, an air of talent.
The sounds too were polka dots, easily recognisable. The palpable air of polka dots waiting for mistakes was refreshing, the same as the feeling when one solves some challenging arithmetic. Everything was regular, and a steady rise in confidence grew within me. I was blissfully unaware of anything else.
I did not see the turning of my music page, rather, I heard it. The smooth, crisp, rustling of pages standing out starkly against the uniform notes of the piano.
Instinctively, I halted playing and turned to see my cousin.
'You made a few mistakes with your playing'
Damn precocious boy.

Lord M's POV

The Saxe-Coburgs have arrived. I had hoped that they wouldn't as it is quite distracting. The Queen had said she did not wish for their presence; nevertheless, they had come.
It is to my slight pleasure that I am enabled to say that they have yet to dissuade HRH from her duty.
And now, in the manner that they had remet, they challenge each other on the piano, each of their four hands a flurry of fingers. Despite her self-proclaimed predilection for the absence of Albert; it is plain to see that that is not all there is to it. He watches her from the corner of his eyes- she hmphs but trails of at the end.
They try to deny it but they are slowly falling in love.

Victoria's POV

I walked with Lord M down the corridor.
He didn't seem to be disinterested in the talking about Albert.
There was something strange in his eyes- sometimes a passionate shine is there, other times a plain emptiness, yet this time, in his aged green eyes, shone a dull, yet ardent, look, perhaps something of vulnerability and brokenness.
"I think, I want him to.. Smile at me' I said cautiously, this strangely more personal side to Lord M, putting me in a slight feeling of unease but not discomfort.
"Well he doesn't smile very often Ma'am!' He half heartedly chuckled, more to himself, swallowing the t in often.
'Yes, that's why I want him to smile at me.' A small fragment of me was frustrated, he was not understanding me, and he didn't seem to want to.
'Well, if that is your intention, I don't know how he could refuse.' This piece of reassurance seemed to bring Lord M back a bit.
'Goodnight Lord M' I smiled half concerned, half bemused.
As I walked away I heard him say something that I couldn't quite make out.

'Only a fool would turn you away Ma'am'

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