I Love You (Sequel to "Taking Care of You")

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I Love You


Next chapter to the story "Taking Care of You" With Wade Barrett (Stu Bennett) and Lacey Charles. Lacey and Wade talk about their feelings with each other.

Chapter Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this story besides my own character named Lacey.

It was a beautiful evening, the guys and Lacey had just finished up their latest SD taping and wanted to go out clubbing for the night before retreating back up to their rooms and just wanted to wind down.

As usual, the guys hung out in the VIP section and ordering some shots while Lacey and Stu ended up just ordering water for themselves and Stu was the designated driver for the evening since the boys wanted to celebrate and get smashed as they so called it.

Lacey was dressed in a cute black off the shoulder top with white flared bottoms with a golden hoop encircling the cute outfit and black pumps with her chestnut hair in curls and a butterfly clip to match on the side of her head while Stu was just dressed in a nice buttoned down black t-shirt and jeans along with a pair of sneakers to be comfortable.

The club was pretty much crowded and there was chatter everywhere as she sat beside her best friend Stu Bennett aka Wade Barrett while the boys were out somewhere dancing and having a great time with the women and divas as the music blared.

Lacey and Stu weren't much of party goers but just decided to hang out and have fun together.

"You having a good time?"Stu asked the beautiful girl next to him.

"Yeah. Pretty much with you while the boys are being wild child's."Pointing to the boys out on the dance floor being goofy or getting themselves drunk.

"I know right. Bloody boys being kids."Stu had to chuckle at his best friends acting like big kids or frat boys in terms.

"Let them have fun while we have ours."Lacey smiled at the big man beside her since they were just sitting together.

"Yeah you're right at least I have the company of my best friend."He said squeezing the little brunette next to him. Lacey soon felt butterflies in her stomach when Stu touched her. Ever since he took care of her, she knew she had feelings for him and him in return for her.

She hoped to maybe strike up the courage to tell him how she truly felt even though they already loved each other but there was more to it than she knew. Right now she would be patient and wait it out to see if he would say something. It wasn't like they were in a rush being a couple.

Stu noticed his best friend was zoned out and was pretty quiet and decided to strike up a conversation with her.

"Hey, you okay?"The Preston native asked touching her knee gently with his big hand causing her to come back to reality.

"Um...yeah...I was just just thinking that's all."She reassured him with a smile that she was okay as her brown eyes twinkled in the dark setting of the room as Stu gazed into her eyes which were beautiful like stars shining at night.

"Do you want to share because I'm a pretty good listener."He was intent on knowing what she was thinking and maybe he could help her since the big bad boy Brit was willing to lend an ear and a shoulder to talk.

"Do you mind if we leave the boys here and let them catch a cab back home that way we could talk in private. ..I just don't want to talk here."She hoped he didn't mind that they went out and talked by themselves.

"I guess besides the boys got our numbers in case they need us."The Brit chuckled since the club wasn't really their scene and just wanted to be with his best friend instead of clubbing with the guys. As much as Stu and Lacey loved the boys, they could be frat boys at times and be a pain and didn't need to be babysat by them when they had hangovers.

I Love You (Sequel to "Taking Care of You")Where stories live. Discover now