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Nemesis rubbed her fingers gently across the blade of her silver dagger. "Why do you bore me with such stupid words, Aphrodite?" The goddess focused her eyes on the fair-eyed Aphrodite.

"Because you dont believe in love! And I want to show you how important love is!" Aphrodite whined, wrapping her golden robe around her tightly.

Nemesis glared at the goddess.  "You're nothing but a whiny bitch! Love is dumb! Now leave, I don't want your presence here anymore!"

A single tear rolled down the beautiful goddesses cheek. She cried as ran out of the golden room.

She shaked her head, throwing her dagger at the wall. "Stupid gods and goddesses. Always trying to convey some stupid point"

Then a clicking noise caught Nemesis' attention. "Nem, long time no see." She recognized that voice, it was Athena, goddess of wisdom.

Nem instantly smiled and stood up. "Oh amazing Athena. Oh how I have missed you!" The goddess hugged Athena.

"I missed you too, Nemmy." The goddess smiled and grabbed Nemesis' chin, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. She shivered as Athena's finger brushed against her chin.

The goddess kissed Nemesis softly. Her eyes widened as she kissed her back.

Pallas pulled away slowly and pressed her forehead against Nem's. "I love you, my dear goddess of revenge"

She smiled. "I love you too, Athena"


Nemesis sat down and cleaned her dagger.

"Nemesis!" Eris swung the doors open, her eyes filled with anger.

Nem jumped and put her dagger down. "What's wrong, Eris?"

"You know what's wrong!" She stormed in. "What do you think you're doing kissing Athena?!"

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. I didn't know you two were together" the goddess of revenge stood up slowly.

Eris grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. "Don't you ever kiss Athena again"

"I-I promise I won't." Nemesis flinched, afraid that the goddess would hit her.

But no, the goddess was wrong. Instead Eris pulled Nemesis into a rough kiss. The goddess was surprised but kissed Eris back.

Nemesis wrapped her legs around Eris. The goddess of chaos bit her lip and grabbed Nem's legs, lifting her up.

Eventually the two stopped kissing. "Fuck Nem, I never thought I'd say this but I love you."

The goddess smiled and ran her fingers through her messy hair. "I love you too, Eris"

Credit to Stxife for helping me write this ^_^

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Credit to Stxife for helping me write this ^_^

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