||A rough night turned around||

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(d/f) = Drunk friend (I needed a name)

Credit to Omicronarma for sort of kind of co-writing?? (This happened during a role play Q and A and Omicronarma was asking and I was answering) Also Omicronarma is writing a different fic with the same concept and inspiration- so go check it out! 

George grumbled as he walked down an empty street in the middle of the night. He had been through a lot. Including but not limited to: trying to drive a drunk friend home from a party only for her to drunkenly hit on him despite already having a boyfriend, that same friend somehow managing to total his breaks and cover his car in gas- still while drunk mind you -and breaking his phone. By now that friend had gotten home via her boyfriend; he however wasn't offered a ride. 

He shivered in the chilly night air. To top it all off he had forgotten to bring a jacket from home, so now he was walking to the nearest gas station- leaving his car behind- without a jacket to protect him from the frigid damp night. "How could this get any worse?" He muttered to himself. As of to answer his question, he was suddenly aware of the light of headlights from behind him. He turned around- only to shield his eyes and move wearily out of the road. 

The person, rather than driving right along past him, stopped and rolled down the window, revealing the driver to be a strikingly familiar face. "(Y/N)?" He said, surprised. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. Said girl leaned over to see him better through the window of the truck she was driving. "Me? What about you! Was that your car I saw back there!?" She asked, gesturing to the direction she had come from. He sighed. "It's a long story involving a drunk person and a party." He grumbled. Her eyes widened. "Woah what!? Who's drunk!?" She asked incredulously. 

"(d/f). She was drunk out of her mind- and sleeping on her boyfriends couch at the moment I believe. Now my car is covered in gasoline and the breaks are done for. How did she even manage that drunk?" He said, confused. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, walking in front of him. "...Would you like some help George? Cause that sounds....not good." She said. He sighed. "Well she's gone now, but I could use someone to remind me that life is worth living again. And not by drunkenly hitting on me." He said. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Hitting on you huh?" She said. He nodded. 

She shot him a small smile. "Well, hop in the car and we'll drive back to yours- maybe inspect the damage." She said. He nodded gratefully, climbing into the car. It took less than a few minuets and in just a short amount of time they were back at the red- and totally covered in gasoline- car. They got out, (Y/N) inspecting it with wide eyes. It hadn't looked totaled or covered in gas from her truck. 

"We should call a mechanic. How did (d/f) manage this all drunk? I'm kind of impressed." She admitted.  He gave a scoff sounding laugh. "Yeah well you wouldn't be impressed if it was your car." He said. She laughed. "Good point. I'll call the mechanic. Can you get home without a car?" She asked. He shuffled on his feet, not wanting to walk but not wanting to outright ask for a ride. "Well...it's a long way..." He muttered. He looked up seeing a hand on his shoulder. (Y/n) was smiling at him. "Hey, I can give you a ride. It's no trouble- besides, you've had a rough night from the sounds of it." She said. He gave a sigh of relief and a tired smile. "Thank you. That would be greatly appreciated." He said.

"Like I said, it's no problem. And, get in the car if it's cold- I think I have a spare jacket in there." She said. He felt his face warm up, but hoped it went unnoticed as he nodded and climbed back into the truck. He threw on the jacket laying in between the seats, which was surprisingly warm for something so thin.  After a moment she got in too, grinning. "Don't think I didn't see those red cheeks." She teased, ruffling his hair, and blushing a bit herself. "The mechanic should be here in a about half an hour, and until then we can just chill. Cool?" She asked. He smiled. "Cool, and thank you." 

She shrugged of his thanks as if it were normal for someone to do so much for him- which it wasn't. "No problem. I have to ask though...how exactly did this happen? Like- how did (d/f) get drunk? And why was she in your car?" She asked curiously, raising an eyebrow. George sighed, exasperated. "To be perfectly honest (Y/N)...I have no idea myself." He said. She laughed a bit. "Well thats a brilliant start to a story. Geez, sometimes you worry me Georgie. Everything always happens at once with you. Its funny....but also worrying." She said. He scoffed lightheartedly. "Tell me about it- one moment I'm not included and the next- like you said- everything happens at once!" He exclaimed. 

"Pft! Yeah right! Not included- not on my watch Georgie! You're the person I come to stuff for." She said. "Stuff?" He asked, grinning. "Yeah stuff! Like parties and stuff. I usually never go to that kinda stuff unless you're gonna be there." She said, blushing intently. She hesitantly leaned her head on his shoulder. "You always have people who wanna be around you...even if their not always around..." She said. He blushed as well as he leaned his head on hers. "Well I'm glad you feel that way. I come to those things with you in mind to be perfectly honest." He admitted. 

If possible, her blush increased. She cleared her throat nervously. "That- Uh- wow. That makes me a lot happier than you'd think. Really happy in fact." She said. He laughed, although a coating of red still dusted his cheeks. "Really now?" He said. Then, unexpectedly, she turned her head up and pecked him on the cheek. "Yeah," She said quietly. "Really." 

His face felt warmer. He turned to her. "M-May I...?" He asked, eyes glancing from her eyes to her lips. She giggled. "Go for it.: She said, smiling. He rolled his eyes- and then kissed her. She kissed back gently, and after a moment the two pulled apart- both blushing but smiling like lovestruck fools. "You know...I've liked you for quite a while now..." He admitted sheepishly. She giggled again. "Me too. I honestly never thought you'd feel the same- how long have you felt that way?" She asked. He shrugged. "As long as I've known you really." He said. She blushed again. 

"Well, God bless first meetings." She said, and then proceeded to kiss him again, thoroughly surprising him. She pulled away only to pepper his face with small kisses until he caught her lips in yet another kiss. "You're so blushy- adorable." She said, pecking his nose. "We should probably tone it down though. I don't want the mechanic to show up while we're sucking face." She said. He laughed at her word choice. "Indeed." He agreed. 

She turned around to look through the window, having heard the sound of an engine. "Speak of the devil. He's here." She said, pointing to a van parking itself next to the car. "You'll need to do the talking. If you don't have your wallet on you I can cover it- it just mean's you'll be paying for the first date." She said cheekily, winking. He rolled his eyes. "Nonsense. I'll pay for both." He stated, winking back before getting out of the truck. 

She leaned over to poke her head out through the window a bit. "Oh what would I do without your gentleman nature!" She yelled after him jokingly. He laughed, turning around. "Probably be horribly lost in life!" He yelled back. She laughed. "Yeah yeah, go fix your car you dork." She said. He stuck his tongue at her before turning back around. 

(Y/N) turned on the radio and listened to music as he talked, smiling the whole time. Soon enough George was at the window again. "Well, he's taking the car- but he says worst case scenario is a week in the shop. Other than that, everything is fine." He said. He got in the car, shutting it behind him and glancing at her with a loving gaze. "....Better than fine." He said. She smiled. "Better than fine." She agreed before giving him a soft peck on the lips before starting the car and getting back on the road. "So, to your home now?" She said. He shrugged. "Well, it's pretty far, and its already really late..." He said. "How about me place? My couch is pretty comfortable if I do say so myself." She offered. He smiled. "What? No cuddling for your new boyfriend?" He said. She blushed, punching him in the arm playfully. "Okay fine- but only cuddling okay? No wandering hands!" She warned jokingly. He laughed, kissing her cheek. "Promise." He said.  

A/N Theres food downstairs and I'm not going to wait another hour to read-over and edit this sorry if there are mess-ups and junk 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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