I am currently going through an identity crisis. I question everything about myself. Am I male or female? Am I both or nether? Does anyone love me? Does everyone love me? Who hates me? Does everyone hate me? Do I like boys or girls, or both? Why are there voices in my head? Am I crazy? Is anyone real? Are you real? Am I real? At this point I can't answer any of these questions. I used to be able to, but not anymore.
Every day a new question pops in my head, but I keep asking myself one that I've never been able to answer. Who Am I? I don't really know who I am. Is that bad? Or is it normal? Is anyone really 'normal'? What does normal even mean anyways? Isn't normal being like everyone else? Because if that's what it is, i don't think anyone is normal.
Because everyone is different.
Sometimes I ask myself, "Is this a dream?". Because I don't know what's real or fake anymore.
I don't know anything anymore.