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hey (y/n),

I was on my way from the convenience store earlier when I saw the bird that I've been passing by these past few weeks. I would always leave some bread crumbs on its nest and it would flap its wings at me, maybe as a sign of thanks I guess?

however starting last monday, it seems to have gotten ill. it was unnerving to witness how it slowly became weaker every single day and no matter how much I tried to feed it with different bird food and water, it just wouldn't budge.

it haunted me.. because I remembered you.

I saw how drastically your health changed. I hated myself for just standing outside the transparent glass window and watched you getting frailer and frailer. your mother and father would try to comfort me despite them evidently holding their own tears back but I still loathed myself. I despised the feeling of not being able to do anything even if I could clearly see how your condition got even more worse. 

when the doctor finally allowed us to have interaction with you, I didn't waste any time and entered the room. before leaving, he told us to limit our physical contact with you since it would hurt your skin if you moved due to the medicines that were injected in you.

despite that, you still inched your arm towards me and cupped my face. both of us flinched in pain; you physically and me emotionally. I wanted to tell you that it was unnecessary but the selfish me stopped myself from doing so as I couldn't help myself but to cry in front of you again. I wasn't able to control my movements when I tilted my head to feel more of your touch.

your lips were chapped but it still held the most beautiful smile.

you are so beautiful. so fragile.

why do they have to take you away from me, (y/n)?

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