Marcus Emigh
class 1-2
cameos cam-eos a piece of jewelry consisting of a portrait in profile
catastrophe cata-strophe something bad or tragic
characteristic char-act-er-istic typical of a particular person, place, or thing.
circumference cir-cum-fer-ence the distance of the outside of a circle
colleague col-league someone you work with
confiscation con-fis-cation taking somebodies properties
considerable con-sider-able something that is taken into consideration
continuous con-tinu-ous something that goes on forever
critique crit-i-que a detailed analysis and assessment of something
deficiency def-ic-iency lacking something important
deterrent det-er-rent able or intended to dete
dilemma dilem-ma a situation where a difficult choice is made
discrepancy dis-crep-ancy a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
endeavor end-ea-vor an attempt to achieve a goal
abstain ab-stain restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something
acoustics ac-ous-tics the branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound
acquittal acq-uit-tal a judgment that a person is not guilty
advantageous ad-van-tag-eous involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase success or effectiveness
amnesty am-nesty an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses
anonymous an-ony-mous something that happens when you don't except it