Chapter one

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I've been scared of the dark as long as I can remember. My mother would try to calm me down late at night I thought something was going to get me. I'm fifteen now and a lot has happened since then. My mother died of lung cancer last year. She kept smoking....I told her to stop, but...she didn't listen. My father left. I came home one afternoon to find a note on the counter. My father abandoned me, so now I live with my grandmother. My grandfather passed away when I was four so I never really knew him. My grandmother would tell me stories about how kind he was. We live in a quiet neighborhood nothing really bad happens. No crimes nothing, but strange this has been going on lately. They say a young girl died from drowning in a bath. Of course I don't believe it. I stopped believing in things a long time ago.

The alarm on my desk buzzed I didn't feel like getting up, but I had too. My grandmother knocks on the door "sweetie, time to get up I made breakfast" she said cheerfully. "I'm up I'll be down in a minute" I said as I rubbed my eyes. I pulled the covers off of me and got ready for school. I headed down the stairs, into the kitchen and hugged my grandmother. "Hey, honey I made you some eggs, and bacon" she said handing me a plate. "Can I just have some toast I'm running a bit late" I said as I put my backpack on. "Sure more for me then" she said smiling. I laughed "see ya this afternoon" I said as I opened the front door. I walk out, and walk down the driveway. I have to walk to school since my grandmother has one car. She said I could drive it, but she needs it more then me. Starting a new school sucks you don't know anyone there but yourself. I walked in front of the school and looked at it. 'yep I'm in hell' I thought as I walked in. Everyone gathered into the gym so I did as well, everyone was so loud I had to cover my ears. The principal was talking about how to be nice, and don't bully people.

Once he finally got done talking I was called to the office. I got my schedule, and headed to class. Being the new kid is not cool, you make new friends, you have to start all over, but I never had friends. All I had was my mother, and she's gone. My father was a piece of shit, and he didn't care about me. 'I'm glad he left' I thought. My first three classes were okay nothing new. I liked forth period though, we were learning about the legend that happened here. I wonder why? Surprisingly no one really paid attention to me, no one cared. "Like always" I said with a sigh "like always what!?" A voice said behind me. I turned around and I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. They were wearing a black hoodie and black pants I could see there face, but i still shouldn't tell. "Is it normal for you to dress like that?" I said looking curios. "Yeah, what you never seen someone dress in all black before?" They said crossing there arms. "No, where I come from people don't dress like that plus I don't think I'll even dress like that" i said as I heard the bell ring. They grabbed my arm "hey what are you-" they cut me off. "You should start wearing dark clothes, she'll get you, she'll come for you in the dark" they said shaking. 'They can't be serious!?' I thought as I saw there eyes. There eyes were filled with fear "hey are you okay!?" I asked. Once I said that they snapped out of it "sorry I was thinking about something" they said and I notice that they tightened there grip on my arm.

"Hey c-can you let go please" I said in pain a little. They let go "oh, I'm sorry I didn't notice i grabbed your arm that tight" they said. "Nah, it's okay, see ya later" I said smiling grabbing my stuff and walking out the class room. "Hey, wait!" They said running after me "yeah?" I said turning around. "I never introduced myself" they said taking my hand. "I'm Micheal, and if you couldn't tell I'm a guy" he said shaking my hand. "Yeah it was hard to tell" I said. "I use a voice changer so no one can tell" he said showing me a device around his neck. "That's weird why do you do that?" I asked looking at it. " the little girl won't Mimic my voice" he said. "Wait...the ghost girl can mimic your voice?" I said concerned. "Yeah, one student thought it was there mom calling them from outside of the school, but when he looked out the window it was the little girl" he said with his voice shaking. I calmed him down, and then we went our separate ways. After school I walked home 'crap I forgot to tell Micheal my name, oh well I'll tell him tomorrow' I thought as I walked up the driveway.

I walked in and I set my book bag on the table. "Grandma I'm home!" I yell opening up the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of water. I found a note on the counter saying 'i have to work late so i won't be home until tomorrow morning, there is some left over food from last night in the oven, i love you be safe, and don't stay up to late. xoxo -Deborah' I take a sip of my water and walk up stairs into my room. i throw my backpack on the ground and pull out my phone. i had a text from a unknown number, "who could have gotten my number? i didn't write it down or anything?" i said checking the text. My eyes widen as i read the text i couldn't believe who it was. I wanted to delete the number, but i couldn't. "It couldn't this isn't real"....

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