Chapter 1 - Dark Desires

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( disclaimer I do not own Soul Eater or the characters * tears * enjoy anyway 💕)

Kid's POV

" Soul harder!!!" I could see the lust clouding his eyes. It only made me want him more. If that was even possible. Soul grunts thrusting into me at an inhuman pace. I desperately try to hold back my moans, a futile effort. "AHHHH-nnnghhhh Soul!!!!," I cry. So much for my pride.
" You're so tight K-kid" Soul moans through his shark like teeth.
" Ah - ahnghh I'm gonna-"

I was just about to hit my climax when I awoke in a pool of sweat. I dabbed my forehead with my sleeve. Looking down, I notice a rather large bulge in my pants peeking out from under my black comforter. Not again, this is the third time this week. I cup my face with my hands and sigh. My feelings for Soul are spiraling out control, and fast. No matter how much I try to deny it, I possess a raging attraction to the scythe.

Over the years I had gone from having a little crush on him, to downright love for anything and everything Soul. It's all I can do not pounce on him. I almost can't trust myself when I'm around him, but still I look for way to talk to him, to get him alone. I wish I could tell him how I feel, how I'd kill to be his and for him to be mine. But it wouldn't matter what I say, he'd reject me on the spot. And the look of shameful mortification is something I can do without.

Why can't I just stay in dreamland forever??? I was so close. No Kid get your mind out of the gutter. He is so not sexy, you so don't love him, and you so don't want him to fuck the reaper out of you.

But he is and I do...

If anyone ever were to catch wind of my dark desires, my career as a meister would be finished for sure. Not to mention my father, he would undoubtedly disown me. But oh well. I can't go to school like this. I refuse to. If soul won't make a move then I will. Even if he rejects me, at least I won't have to obsess over it anymore. Obsess over him anymore.

Soul's POV

I awoke with my door gently creaking open. A ray of light from the hallway streaking the floor. I roll over and groan into my pillow.
" Soul time to wake up!" Maka chirps. How is she so damn peppy? It's not even light out yet. I toss the covers over my head as if to say " 5 more minutes". I can afford to sleep, it takes me 10 minutes tops to be ready and out the door. "Soul I said it's time to get up." Maka ordered. She was always yelling at me, I'd take peppy over this any day.

I roll over and look at my clock, it reads 6:15am. School doesn't even start until 7. Fuck this. The world is dead to me until at least 6:30.
" Go away I'm trying to sleep." I say yawning still only half conscious. Praying about not having to get out of bed had become part of my morning routine.
"Being on time is important Soul! Now get your lazy ass up!!" Maka snaps.
" I'm good." I respond, silently knowing all to well that I wasn't. Bracing for impact I grip the bed sheets, already anticipating what was to come.
The collision sent me reeling off the side of my bed and onto the floor. I'd never realized how nasty carpet tasted until now. Maka then took her leave, closing the door and returning to her room. Well this morning is off to a pleasant start.

I'm too tired to stand up. Thanks a lot Maka. But I won't let her ruin my morning, that would be hard considering all of my mornings have been ruined since about a year ago. When I took a liking to a certain, black and white haired, yellow eyed grim reaper. Every morning Kid comes to class at 8am sharp. I love the way he struts in unaware he's creating a natural disaster in my pants. I like to admire the way his clothes alluringly cling to him in all the right places. He fills out his wardrobe perfectly... still though, I can't help but think that his outfits would look even better if I was the one taking them off.

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