The Bank Heist

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 My life was boring. The same cubicle in the same office every day. The same people. Every Friday was payday at the same bank, But, one Friday afternoon changed it all.
  My Friday started off the same as all the rest; I got up, got ready, ate breakfast and headed to work. Same with the workday. It ended with nothing eventful and I headed over to Gotham's bank to get my paycheck.
  As I'm standing in line to get my paycheck I chat with my friend from work. "So, how's the dating life, Anna?"
"You know, crappy as ever. I'm glad you have a boyfriend tho-"
I can't finish my sentence as suddenly something unexpected happens.
  The wall left of me explodes with bits of brick flying everywhere. I shield myself with my arms, and I hear screams around me. Then there are gunshots and men in clown masks yelling for everyone to get down.
  I do as I'm told and sit down next to a woman in hysterics. Right now, I'm not sure why I'm not in hysterics myself. I think I'm in shock.
  I try to sooth the woman next to me and bring her hysterics down to quiet whimpering.
  One of the men in a clown mask comes over and tries to grab the woman next to me, and I yell "Don't you dare touch her, you freak!" He lets go of her and turns his attention to me.
  While stalking towards me he says "Brave little kitten, aren't you?" In a very dark voice. Wait, that voice sounds familiar. He keeps walking towards me and takes off his mask. Uh oh. I gulp. Its the Joker, and I just called him a freak. I feel my back bump into a wall. He holsters his gun and slams both of his fists on either side of me, pinning me to the wall.
  His mouth is smiling but his eyes are very dark. I close my eyes, his look is making me petrified. "Look at me." I still don't open my eyes. "LOOK AT ME!" He shouts in a much deeper and scarier voice than before. I open my eyes and look at him. He reaches down into his trench coat pocket and pulls out his knife.
  "I'm the freak? At least my life isn't boring.  You sit around all day in a cubicle, while people die. Your whole city is corrupted, and yet people like me are the freaks." He leans in towards my ear "but you want to know something? I love it." The way he whispers it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I shiver.
  While he's this close to me, I knee him in the stomach. He coughs and doubles over. A strained laugh comes out "I see you have a little feistiness in you. I like that in a woman."
I spit in his face. He wipes it off and his voice gets deep again "Although it does get annoying after a while." He stalks back over and slaps me. Hard. It stings and I'm pretty sure it will leave a red mark.
  One of the goons yells to Joker. "Boss, the cops will be here any moment. We better get moving." An annoyed look comes over Jokers face and looks away from me and over at his goon. "Fine. Grab the money and load it up." He turns back toward me. "As for you, let's just say... you're our hostage if we get caught." He tells me this with a smile.
  Joker picks me up and slumps me over his shoulder like it's nothing. I start struggling "Put me down you asshole!" He ignores me and starts to walk over to a van by his goons. The goons all whistle when they see me and I glare daggers at them. The Joker, however, ignores them and rolls his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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