Healing dandelions (an everlark fanfic)

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I disappoint my lazy self and force myself out of bed. For about three days I have not yet moved from my room, so I decide to rejoin the world. I open the curtains. It actually looks nice, the sky is blue as the lake in the Forrest. Which is surreal knowing that it has been just months since district 12 was blown to dust. I freshen up and plan to visit Haymitch to ease him out of his hangover. When I see something.

"Hey Katniss." Peeta greets. He is planting PrimRoses by my door. "I'd figure you'd like it since you know.." . I say nothing, I just go up and embrace him. "The flowers are beautiful Peeta, thank you." I reply. What really shocks me is how yesterday I could hear his screaming from my room and now he's planting Primroses on my door. This gives me hope.

"I'm gonna go help Haymitch." I reply. "Ok, I'll finish up here." Peeta replies, his smile resembles the days before his hijacking. I find the courage to smile.

I walk down the street and brace myself for the stench of rats and alcohol. Instead I walk in to what seems to be an actually normal looking house. "Haymitch?" I ask. "Oh you've woken up." he replies. "As for you, who cleaned this?" I ask "Hazelle. she decided to stay in district 13 but wanted to leave the house impeccable for the next year". "She told me to give you this. It's a letter. From Gale. "I'm gonna go now." I say. "Welcome sweetheart." he replies. On the way out, I trip on one of his geese. "Careful!" Haymitch screams.

Once I reach home, I notice the primroses are finished. They have splashes if red, yellows and so on. Its a rainbow of colors made of flowers. The joy almost makes me think that for once, everything is just right. I see my sister Prim in these flowers, almost as if she was right here. I open the door and relax on a chair. I open the letter and the first thing my eye catches is a picture Gale, Hazelle, Rory, Vick, and little Posy with two teeth missing. But I see something. A collection of letters that could almost form a novel. I read the first page, which is short

"Dear Catnip,

I wrote this ahead of time before we went off to the capitol. This isn't a love letter, but more of me casually taking to you. I knew I would go to district 2. So I decided I would give you a bunch of letters I've began writing when you were first reaped. Please, I know you're in a tough situation but just read it. You'll know everything."


" P.S. Consider this as a manly diary."

I laugh. It brings me back to the days before the games. The days before the girl on fire. Surprisingly, sleep called my name once again, I indulge myself and slowly drift to darkeness.




Hope you liked it I'll be writing more soon!


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