The riddles have exhausted me
I'm completely drained I decree
But there's a drip, like a faucet with a leak
Oh please, oh please, why can't you just speak?
The signs you send down
You smugly sit up atop a cloud with your crown
Watching me struggle to define
The notions you've sent as a last life-line
Does this mean this, and that mean that?
The interperator is wary, like the theif-like cat
There comes a time when the strongest break
When the tears fall from the feeling you just can't shake
This feeling bursts open with another sighthing
First rage comes, for it's you they should be fighting
You recreate our misery with another seed of guilt
We reside in the house of hoplessness that you've bulit
The brooding has suffocated me
I comtemplate if there is such a thing as lee
Then suddenly from the highest cliff I fell
You say I jumped myself, but why oh why can't you just tell?
I wonder twice over again, what do these riddles mean
I'm in an emotionless state past being able to scream
Is it karma in its purest form?
The first rain drop of the beginning crap storm?
Little maggots swarm my decaying brain
This life has never given me anything to gain
Just gives me poor options that it knows I'll choose
Then critizing my choice, my sanity I will soon lose
What is it you would like me to do or say?
I choose to make my own choices if I may
I don't want you to control my life at all
But then you send a sign, positioning me for my fall
The confusion has swirled my directions criss-cross
Over this misery you put me through, you always gloss
You pull out the big guns, then my eyes buldge,
What does this all mean, won't you divuldge?
About the meaning of life, this poem is not
This is me wondering why just shit is what I got
God decides to punish me for my sins
And I never thought this would happen, but he wins
Newer Poems
PoetryThese are my newer poems. The second one isn't finished because I can't seem to write well anymore after I wrote my final poem. I just am contemplating whether to fill in my name at the bottom or not.