Trumpet Lessons

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Brambleclaw: Hey Firestar!! I'm learning how to play the trumpet!!! *pulls out a trumpet from behind his back and starts making weird sounds into it*

Firestar: Brambleclaw, stop! You SUCK!!!!!!

Brambleclaw: Firestar, you're a meanie. You could play any better!!!

Firestar: Oh yeah?!!? Boi, watch and learn!!! *grabs trumpet from Brambleclaw* HIT IT GREYSTRIPE!!!!!!

Greystripe: *sings*Blah blah blah and the trumpets they go:

Firestar: *plays the trumpet hella good like in the dumb song*

Brambleclaw: O_o Wow. You learn something new every day.....

Firestar: You didn't know I could play the trumpet???!!!

Brambleclaw: No......did anyone know that...?

Firestar: Everyone knows that you idiot!! *kicks Brambleclaw out of Thunderclan just for the fun of it because he's not actually mad at him for once*

Ways to Get Kicked out of Thunderclan(a warrior cat spoof)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant