Him <3

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As you try to hold back the tears, knowing he'll never love you back is killing you but you try to deal with it. One night you two are talking and as usual, he's making you smile and feel like the only girl in the world but he's taken and you know he will always love her more than you. After a while of talking to him, it's getting late and you need to go to bed because you have school in the morning and you know you won't see him because he goes to a different school than you but doesn't live too far from where you live. You tell him goodnight with a smiley face and he says night and sends a smiley face back. You go to your room to try and go to bed but you can't sleep because you keep thinking of him and if he feels the same way and if he will ever love you like you love him or do you make him smile as much as he make you smile. You sit up knowing you're not going to bed anytime soon and replay everything he's ever said that made you smile that you can remember. 

You start to cry thinking that he'll never love you and that you're completely friendzoned but what you don't know is that he secretly loves you too but he's afraid to show it because he cares too much about his girlfriend.

You keep crying and the tears fall faster and faster from your eyes and you try and  try to stop but you can't  and you feel worthless and like you're forever alone  because you love him so much and he doesn't know how you completely feel about him. You want him to know how you really feel but you're scared he'll shoot you down so you keep it inside and you never let it out.  

You love him and he loves you but you'll never let him know and he'll never let you know. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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