agust,15, 2025

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He hated school, he was always called freak in school because he had one blue eye and one red one, but with his dark preferences of black clothing and the scars on his body of him being beat up...he lived a living hell for the longest time, he never went out because he was afraid he would get jumped, and he always liked his jet black hair to be long. This boys name was Jay Long, 10th grade and has crippling depression. But what happens next will only prove to him that, his life isn't that bad.

The day was Agust 15th the year 2025, the summer air still lingered as jay sat at his desk watching ms. Mays his math teacher show how to get and X out of a huge scary complex question. Jay just saw it as a chicken scratch as he sat there fiddling with his black sweater, his mother gave it to him so he loved it so much but he never understood why there was a weird three with a spiraling bottom of it, but he never cared much, after all it was kinda cool and since his mom was...gone he kept it close.
It's almost time, Jay thought as he noticed the 10 secont of class left.
"I know time is almost up! But remember I need you all to have your parents sign the permission slip to go hiking on the rocky Mountain!!" Ms. Mays yelled with joy as the ear piercing ring of the bell made his hard jump.
"Bye kids!" Ms.mays said again as everyone rushed through her door like there was a fire.
Jay grabbed his book bag, and put it over his shoulder as he left.
"Hey jay!! You should  come here!" Yelled a voice that was all to familiar to him.
Jacob hay, a tall sport short haired blond bully who loved to fuck up Jays day.
Jay didn't want this today so he walked a little faster and Jacob continued to yell. But he quickly hear the rush of foot steps rushing to him. Without thinking Jay bolted. He ran for about three blocks and took a sharp right down his street. He didn't think they followed him this far, but he wasn't gonna take any chances.
He listened for footsteps but there was nothing, he sighed and he took a nice slow pace again.
There was a kid that was about his age walking on the sidewalk same as him, he clenched his fist as he studied the kid. He had on sun glasses and and had albino long white hair and pale skin like jay, he had blue jeans on and a red shirt with a DNA thing on it.
The kid seemed like he hasn't smiled in a long time just like jay, Jay could almost smell the depression coming off of him.
They passed eachother as jay entered his little house that only had a bathroom as a separate room. The main room was 9 by 10 and he only had a couch a t.v a desk/ dresser and a lamp. And in a little space in the wall he had a sink and fridge.
All his tension released as he dropped his bag on the desk and flopped on the couch.
"Ugh I hate school," He said to himself to make him feel less lonely.
He glanced at the fridge and then at his phone. He was making a difuclt or homemade food...
He had pizza for the last 3 days so he moved to the fridge to see what he had, but when he opened the fridge he saw a whole crap ton of nothing! He growled as he moved to the door.
"I needed to go shopping anyway!"

He felt claustrophobic as he moved through the crouds of people at the closest food store. He grabbed ingredients to make a BLT for one...but he couldn't think straight as he looked left to right and behind his should constantly. He knew this feeling, he was being watched, but he couldn't see anyone.
He moved swiftly as possible to grab everything.
While he grabbed the tomatoes from the vegetable section, a person in a purple hoodie stopped right in front of him.
"Umm sir... could you move?" Jay said as he couldn't see there face.
Instead of doing that they backed up and got in a charging position.
What the hell!? There gonna attack me in the middle of the store?!, Jay thought as he got in a position to try to stop it.
But when he was almost determined to get them, they where gone.
"What? Where did they g-" jay asked himself as the most painful feeling ever know to mind kind rushed to his head. He quickly lost his breath as he looked to where the pain was coming from. That persons palm was drilled into his stomach as it seemed like they had just did it.
"There you are lion!" The person yelled as all physics broke as I there was the sound of the sound barrier being broken as I flew straight to the wall. But there was no wall for him to crash through, just a dark empty void.
He trenches in the ground surprised he was actually still alive.
So much was rushing to his head as his breathing was going crazy as he was able to see the store through this little crack in the middle of the emptyness.
"Go!" He yelled to himself as he ran full speed to it.
As he ran he saw it closing from the bottom up. No no no no no!! He thought as he ran faster and faster until it didn't seem humanly possible.
Inches...he was inches from the half open portal crack and somthing shot through it too! It his him so hard to that he flew back with whatever it was.
There was a loud yelp of pain from Jay and the other person.
"Ow ow ow ow!" They both said as the portal closed.
What the hell is going on!

He clenched his stomach as he layed on the floor catching his breath. He desperately tried to calm his breathing, but with the current situation that seemed impossible to him.
"W-why are you?" Said the person who hit him from the portal.
"What?" Jay replied as he realized the voice was female.
"I said who are you!" She said as she shot onto her feet and stepped back alot.
She fell on her butt, as jay stood up.
"m-my names Jay! So please calm down miss!" He replied correctly.
"Why am I here!?" She yelled as he shrugged.
"I have no idea, I was thrown in here randomly too," He said as he observed the voids blackness.
There was silence between them until jay walked over.
"Listen I have zero ideas what to do, so let's talk to pass the time, maybe that person in the hoodie will open it again," jay said as he sat next to her.
"What's your name?" He said acting as non-hostile as possible.
"M-my names april," she said hesitantly as jay studied her.
She had paleish skin and long long brown straight hair and had on skinny jeans and a tank top with a blackish blue colored hoodie.
But what caught him the most was her almost glowing purple eyes.
"Nice to meet you april," jay said holding out his hand.
She hesitantly shook his hand. She was having a hard time taking this in so he needed to do somthing quick.
"Why do you think your here?" He asked.
"I- I don't know. I was just buying food. And thus guy grabbed me and threw me in here. And he said somthing about a fox I think... I don't know," she said as the story matched his except the fox thing.
"Same here, but he said somthing about a lion with me."
"What could that mean though?" She said as she moved into a fetal position.
She had huge bags under her eyes. It looked like she hasn't slep for days.
"Stay here and relax... gonna see how far this void can go," he said listing to the echo.
"You sure?" She said sounding already worried.
"Ya, it can't go on forever, can it?" He said with a thumbs up.
"I..I guess," she said as she layed on her side looking like she was gonna pass out.
Alright let's go! He thought as he walked straight.
There was a floor that was was walking on, so maybe this is just a really really big room! But at this point it was only hope.

It felt like a life time to walk half and hour and walk back.
But when he got back there was no april, no sleeping person no nothing, just emptyness.
"April...hey April!!!" He yelled as loud as possible hoping she could at least hear the echo if she ran off.
He screamed more to April as he felt a person grab the back of his collar and pull him. He felt flat on his back, but he was welcomed with...sand?
The bright sun burned his eyes as he looked up at the two people looking at him.
"Jay are you ok?" April said helping me up.
"W-what happened?" He said still kinda confused.
"I helped you out of the void between our demensions," said a very calm and almost cool voice.
"Ya this guy grabbed me while I was asleep and brought me to this beach," April said as the guys features made Jays stomach knot.
White hair, sun glasses, and a red shirt.
"It's you!!!"

[ I hope you enjoyed the first part of my story! I'm sorry if it seems kinda bland now but trust me it'll get alot better! Or not idk! Anyway I hope you have a good day, and I hope you stick with the series! ]
Bye bye! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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