Monica = Mason

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Monica = Mason

Chapter I

Monica stretched her arms above her head while yawning an awful tone. She was waking up to a warm day with the sun blinding her to death as it pierced through her window. She scratched her head, then her arm. "What the -?" Her arm was a lot more hairy than she remembered. Ignoring it nonetheless, she then continued her morning routine of ripping the comforter off of her. Then she saw it. It was sticking up as if it was just as surprised to be there as she was to see it there. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!"

The girl of age seventeen howled for her mom as she ran down the steps, passing the hallway bathroom, then going back to look in the mirror. As soon as she saw her face with stubble and stone-carved chin, once again Monica yelled out to her mother.

She found Mrs. Narsistein sitting at the table sipping on coffee ignoring her poor daughter's cries.

"MOM WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Monica now heard her deepened voice and panicked all the more. Her mother, the "mad hatter scientist," chuckled as she stood up with her eyes wide and her smile just as huge.

"My oh my!" She tugged at her daughter's new arm hairs, lifted her chin, stared at her pelvis as if it were God. "I'M A FREAKING IDIOT!!" She was smiling madly and touched here and there as Monica tried to snap her mad mother out of it.

"MOM! WHY AM I A MAN?!" Her mother only met her eyes for a moment to tell her one thing,

"Oh, sorry my dear, I meant genius. Not idiot, of course I'm no idiot why on earth would I say such a thing because your muscular system has grown well and even the skeletal has evolved just fine! My dear, oh, my dear! I have broken so many rules of life so many things I have done to you that will blow my colleagues away and they called me mad! MAD! CRAZY! They said I would be a danger to myself one day but look at you, MY GORGEOUS! My...son." She suddenly realized her daughter had been standing before her, not just a test subject. "Good morning dear! Want waffles?" Monica fell into a circle of despair. Her mother had just done one of her run-on sentences that only meant that no matter what she did, her mother would only be in awe of her own genius. She knew how her mother was when it came to experiments. Monica hated her mother for those few hours that passed by as her mom blabbered on about how amazing she, herself, was.

It was a good thing it was a Sunday. After her mother gave her waffles and told her how she had "accidentally" spilled one of her transgender concoctions into some milk she had left out for Monica last night, Monica grasped hold of her situation. She predicted that her mother would not let her own daughter drink something she could not for certain fix. Therefore, she grabbed some of her dad's casual wear, which consisted of slacks and a button up shirt, and calmed down enough to ask her mother about the antidote.

"There isn't one. I was too excited to wait to come up with one."

Monica took a deep breath. She can't yell at her mom. Not now. Her mother was easily swayed and she did not want to get on her bad side.

"Well, when will it be ready?"

"Well seeing how easily your body has changed, I can have the antidote by, mmmmmmmmmmmm, next January. "

"'re joking right? You wouldn't make your own DAUGHTER drink POISON and then RUIN her ENTIRE LIFE?!" Monica was holding back her rising temper in vain. Her fist tightened, her adrenaline was now running through her vains. She was ready to snap.

"Ahhhhh!" Her mother, wide-eyed once more, looked at her newly developed son and was once more taken in awe.


"Shut up! I am observing." Monica's blood boiled down as her mother lifted her arms, legs, chin, and took her pulse almost all at the same time. It was too ridiculous for her to stay angry.

"What now?" Monica realized her deep voice once more and cringed.

"You are on you period." Her mother stated. "You are on your period and that is why you were able to change into the fine young man you are this second. You see, my child, because your hormones have already been so busy and all over the place, since you have taken the transgender medicine while on your cycle, the testosterone in the medicine was able to take hold of the confusion in your body to its advantage. This also explains your irritability. The males of our species, too, have a certain time when their hormones are out of whack and make them more hostile or emotional, if you will, sometimes." Monica watched as her mom backed away from her to look at her new creation. "I did not foresee this, however, I am glad this is how it has worked out." With that, her mother picked up her plate, placed it in the sink, and began walking to her lab, which was formerly known as the basement."

"Wait! What about school mom! What about clothes! I can't live like this!" Monica listened as her mother's heels click-clacked quickly back towards her.

"Name: Mason, Clothes: I'll buy some, School: You'll go, Antidote: I will have it ready soon enough." With that, Monica's mom click-clacked away. Monica knew she was going to hate tomorrow.

The next day, Monica woke up refreshed and stretched as she normally did, but as she remembered that she was a male, she uncovered herself slowly, so not as to be surprised again, but she found nothing sitting up with her. She looked at her arms, they weren't hairy. Running to the bathroom she placed a hand on her mirror, feeling immense relief fall over her. It was a dream. Of course it was. She got ready for school, as she normally did, then she felt sick. Her mother was just walking in to Monica's room when Monica felt a shiver and then a pain in her stomach. Cramps? She forgot she was on her period. Monica looked at her mom and smiled, "I had the weirdest dream last night mom." Her mother sighed and began to take off her daughter's clothes quickly. "Mom!" Monica didn't have time for her mother's shenanigance. She was going to be late for class.

"It wasn't a dream, I guess when you sleep, your body returns to normal." Then once again Monica felt hair on her arm and legs, her straightened jawline.

"I'm a werewolf!!!" Monica misjudged suddenly.

"Close, you're a son again." Her mother handed her jeans and a shirt fit for a guy. "It wasn't a dream dear."

At school, she felt people looking at her. She walked through the halls not sure what to do. Her mother told her that she had called the school and told them that she was now "Mason Ryans," a new transfer, Monica's distant cousin. After getting her new school ID, Monica dreaded that she saw a strange guy smiling in her picture, and that this stranger was her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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