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My name is Stella Morgardi and here's a checkup on my life. It was the first day of summer and I never felt more free. This summer I decided I'm not going to just lay around, I'm going to have fun like a 18 year old should. But for now I'm stuck in a small house with a stupid brother and a nonexistent boyfriend.

I go up to my mom "mom can we go to New York for summer?" my mom says "um I don't no honey we may not have enough money" " But mom I have never seen snow or gone to New York before" my mom says "I no honey but we don't have that kind of money right now" I say with a frown "I guess it's ok" not really meaning it.

My mom says while walking out the door "honey I'm going to put in my lottery ticket, I will be back in an hour" I say "mom you never win those there rigged, if anyone wins they get 6 million dollars, no one ever wins" my mom says with a sad face "you never no, I have to go" I say "goodbye mom" my mom says "goodbye sweetie."

Ugh why does my mom always call me sweetie, I'm not 7 years old. Anyways let me call my bestfriend Ashly, she always knows how to cheer me up, plus we can talk gossip. I have a stupid old phone that is from like 2002 it's so ugly but I have no choice but to use it, I can't afford a new one.

Anyways i put in my password,hit contacts and press on Ashly. The phone ringing she answers. "Hey what's up?" I say "nothing do u think u can come over?"

she says "nah sorry I have a family dinner tonight" I say "oh it's fine I was just wondering" she says "ok bye" "bye". I hang up, my mom opens the door to the house with the biggest grin on her face I have ever seen. She says "you will NEVER guess what happened!"

"What?!" "Ahhhhh" I look at her weirdly "WE WON!!" She says. I stop my heart is beating thinking of what she might mean then I say "won what?" She screams at me

"THE LOTTERY" I pause then she says it again "WE WON THE LOTTERY!" that's when my heart stops, I'm imagining what life will be like with six million bucks and then I resume. "what!" I say again "OMG we won"

My mom says "yep our lives are going to change and now we can go to New York!" I say "yay we are going to New York, ok when is our flight!" my mom says we are leaving tonight I hired a Private plane to pick us up at 5:00 pm.

"Thanks I love u" I say something else "omg why am standing here when I should be packing!" I run upstairs throw my suitcase on my bed, I say "time to pack"

I put in all my clothes. It's 4:50 pm now the limo arrived to bring us to the airport, I say "you got a limo?!" my mom says "of course what are rich people without limos"

she answers herself "nothing they are nothing with limos" I say "ok" and get in the limo, the limo guy puts our luggage in the trunk and he the starts driving.

My mom says to the guy "we are going to the Charlotte California Airport, please" the man says "no problem" and we leave. Now it has been 15 minutes and we are at the airport.

We get off give the guys our tickets got through ALL the dumb procedures of taking off ur shoes and checking bags and FINALLY we got on the private airplane.

It was the first time I have EVER been on a plane especially a private one. I say "mom this is amazing thank you again!" "No problem sweetie" ok I no I was bothered by my mom calling me sweetie

but I don't care now, she can call me whatever she wants. We're taking off I feel the pressure of the airplane up against my chest and finally, I knock out.

I wake up and we have landed. It is December and it is freezing cold. We get off the plane and get our bags. We call a taxi and head to the city. We are staying near Central Park in a PH. We get in the apartment and my mom tells me "go unpack" I say "can I go for a walk first, to see the city and stuff"

"Yes Stella but u have to be back in 2 hours" I say "don't worry mom what can happen in the city." She grins and I walk out the door push the elevator button and head downstairs. I walk out of the building. I only have to walk one block to see a GIANT mob of girls running towards me.

They are all yelling "Harry!" I wonder what's going on and then that's when I saw him. The most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. His name, Harry Styles. He was far ahead of the girls but they were catching I was as frozen I didn't move and when he was running towards me he bumped into me.

Harry's says "sorry I didn't see you there" in his cute British accent. I say "no it's o..." Before I can say ok, he grabs my arm and pulls me into an ally. The girls run past us he sighs. Then he talks "are u ok?"

I say shocked he even talks to me "yah I guess I'm fine" then he says "those girls are crazy" and I laugh in a cute way though. OMG this guy is SOOO gorgeous I don't no what to say to him.

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