Part 1

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On the forth night of spring, right after the last snow had fallen onto the dark green grass of Silent-City and melted away was when he showed up. He, for lack of a name, was handsome, clad in his all black attire with that smug smile on his face that told you he was up to no good. It was clear from the moment I saw him that he was a trouble maker, a prankster, a clown. Of coarse, first impressions aren't everything. And little did I know at the time, deadly.

A crowd of people filed into the cafeteria for lunch, the lines for spaghetti and meat balls growing so it formed a perfect loop around the large room. I just stood with the back of my red sweater leaning on the chipped paint wall of my high school. Although it was considered 'geeky' to eat what your mother packed you in your lunch box, I did it anyways. My eyes wondered around the cafe. No one else agreed with me, most of them were in line and the ones that weren't were the people who didn't eat anything at all.

Of coarse, I wasn't trying to keep up with my great reputation, cause that didn't exist. I was a geek, a nerd, a wall flower. The one that sulked into the walls, hoping that no one would notice her. But I wanted this, people were annoying, talking was a chore on the best day and on the worst a living hell.

Sighing, I took a seat at the far end of the room, flopping my pale green lunch-box on the table infront of me and pulling out an apple and a juice box. My teeth hurt as they slid into the tough skin of the apple, wishing that it was a piece of cake. Chocolate cake, the best kind.

I put the apple down, however, when he showed up, his jean covered thighs walking right towards me. His grace-full feet not making any noise as they strolled to the table next to me. Thump, thump, thump went the sound of my heart, and I feared that he could hear it as loud as I did. The sound echoing out of my chest and into his perfectly shaped ears. There was something about him, something different. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but later I would see it. Feel it. But for now, what made him different? Was it the way his jaw was shaped, the triangular shape of his nose, his tight frame? No, it wasn't something physical. Even before he spoke, I knew.

"Howdy." He said as he sat down, his leather bag dropping heavily on the floor next to him. Normally I would pull myself to my feet and walk away when someone talked to me. Not because I was shy or because I was insecure, but because people were too much work to get along with, and I wasn't up to putting in the effort.

"Howdy." I said back. What was I doing? I tried to keep my eyes diverted from his, but I couldn't help but break the concentration as he leaned over, un-zipping his bag and pulling out a pale-green lunch-box. My eyes flipped from his to mine, examining the details. They were the same, I realized. "We have the same lunch-box." I forced a smile.

He chuckled, "we do." He said, un-zipping the lunch pale and revealing a small wrapped up piece of chocolate cake. My mouth began to water at the sight, feeing like a dog begging for scraps at the dinner table. "So." He smiled, "what's your name, pretty lady?"

"Rain." I blushed, feeling my heart begin to speed up all over again and feeing the embarrassment. This was new, all of it. I wasn't the type of girl that had emotions, I was blank, heartless. This was different.

"Well Rain," he extended his strong hand, "my name is Snow."

I chuckled, taking his hand in mine, "really?"

He looked at me seriously, "Snow is a name."

"But is it your name?" I specified.

"It is now." He laughed, picking up his piece of chocolate cake and handing it to me, "trade?"

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