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Then agian. And agian. 

My heart os broken with another best freind, i just want to be valued. My bestfriend who i thought was killing me, faking everything she told about me. Faking everything she said to me. But not only faking but taking me for granit and lying. 

I was already battling with myself and thoughts i needed sometime to her, but she broke my heart just kicking me out of her life and trading me with guys instead, and that she only cared about guys. I was surrounding in my pool of thoughts drowing myself. 

I told her to stay out my life and goodluck finding a new bestfriend. And she needed me, she also had shit going herself but she made my life pretty bad. I was mad at myself and i took it out all on her.  She was my only person i cared about she was my everything but now razors are my everything. For all my life ive been lied to, cheated and takn for granite. SHe was fake to me. 

Where was she when i needed her? She was with a guy for 3 weeks. 

Ditching me.. leaving me dying. 

We also got into a fight last week but she thinks were cool now, but really im not. And ive been chill with about it but now im so fed up with her shit im done. So i cut her out of my life. 

Not the only thing i cut.. i also cutting my wrists. 

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