Forbidden Love

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Chapter One: Captured

It was her 18th Birthday this day. To celebrate, her parents held a giant dance and invited many important guests from other kingdoms. Knowing her parents, Rosalind knew that they were going to try and set her up with him again. If only something fun would happen . . .

"Princess," a soft voice called out, "shall we dance?"

It was him. She didn't want to offend the poor Prince so she agreed. He held her softly; his eyes were full of warmth and love. Rose did not feel the same. In all honestly, guilt was eating at her heart. Every day the Prince endlessly tries to sweep her off her feet . . . and every day she still feels nothing for him.

The Princess was getting bored of this. When will something fun happen? Everyday her life is the same. Same lessons, same people and the same places. She's not even allowed to step out of the kingdom!

At the corner of her eye, the redhead saw someone quickly exit the doors. She looked up at her partner.

"My Prince-"

"Princess, how many times shall I have to remind you?" he softly chuckled, "call me by my first name,"

"J-Jason," she stuttered, "may I be excused? I must visit the restroom,"

He let out a small laugh and nodded. She walked calmly out of the doors and looked everywhere for this mysterious man. Normally she wouldn't care; but she has been greeted by everyone but this one person. Naturally she would just brush it off, but this man was wearing weird clothing. He wasn't wearing a suit or anything of the sort. It seems that he was wearing a cloak . . .

After a while of looking, she decided to give up. Suddenly, she felt arms go around her. It was probably Jason trying to be romantic again. She felt something cold on her neck.

"Don't move, little Princess . . ." demanded a rough voice.

She did what he said. She was trembling terribly. Remembering the training she had with her mentor, she attacked him when he was least expecting it then ran. She heard groaning then light footsteps running after her. She did not dare to look back.

She ran out of the kingdom unnoticed and into the forest she used to train in.

Rose ran as fast as she could. It was hard running in a dress. She ran until she couldn't hear anymore footsteps coming after her. The Princess supported herself on a low branch. She felt hands grab her arms and pull her back.

"I see you have skill, my lady . . ." he whispered, "it would be a shame to kill you now . . ."

Kill?! Rose trembled slightly. Under his hood the Princess saw the man smirk. Before he could do anything, the girl elbowed the two men holding her and punched their leader in the face. She ran again. This time, the man wouldn't let her get away. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her back and spat in her face.

"You have great skill but very little obedience, little princess," he growled, "My son will have you train you,"

His friends tied her up then knocked her out. They then carried her to their base.

When she finally awoken, Rose found that she was in a strange room. Suddenly, the door opened. She jumped up and stood in a fighting position.

"It's okay," he chuckled, "I won't hurt you,"

The Princess glared at him. He put his hands up and leaned back at the wall opposite her. Slowly, Rose lowered her hands and just stared at him. Who is he? Better yet, where is she and why was there a strange boy in her room?

She examined him. He looked about her age – probably slightly younger.

"My name's Lucania," he explained calmly, "I apologise for my father's behaviour back in the forest. You see, it was his job to kill you,"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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