The Ride Home

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Cameras start flashing at you as Zen passionately kisses you. He whispers in your ear "I love you so much (Y/N)..." "I-I I love you too..." Zen takes your hand and runs off the stage Jaehee starts to talk as you run with him, "*Ahem* That's about it from Zen today everyone! Now, let's give it up for Mr.Jumin Han!" They clap but the noise get faded as we run together... the world we behind us, we felt like we where on top of the world... just me and him... Zen stops and opens a door what reviled a balcony and the moon looking stright at it. Zen stops holding my hand and walks toward the balcony rales. He stares at the moon while I slowly walk towards him. "This I where I use to go at the other party's.... I felt so alone because everyone was in a relationship around me, this was my escape from a world where I'm the only one alone... I would always talk to myself saying that one day, I would find the perfect girl..." once I get to the raling, I look at Zen, he turns to me. "And fate listened and led me to you..." He passionately kisses you again. He... he really loves me... I feel the same... he was everything I needed. Then he stops and looks at you. "Your the most beautiful thing that j have laid eyes on, you make me the most happiest person on the world.... I love you so much (Y/N)..." "I love you too Zen... I love you so much too... you make me very happy too..." Then you both look at the moon together. You lay your head on his shoulder. "Let's go home, shall we (Y/N)?" "Yes, we shall." You too sneak into the parking lot and get in the car, on the way home, your favorite songs come on, you start to sing like there's no tomorrow. You arrive home. You unlock the door and run in the room to get dressed. "Your really fast (Y/N)." "I'm kinda ready for bed." "This early?! It's only 11:50!" "But I'm tired!" "Okay  okay fine." Once you get done getting dressed you jump in bed just laying there for a bit while you wait for Zen. He gets into bed and pulls the covers over the both of you. "Good night my Princess. Have good dreams. I love you." "I love you too Zen. Good night my Prince." In the morning. You wake up to see Zen asleep. You kiss him on the cheek and head to the kitchen, you bring a blanket with you. You turn on the TV but put the volume on low, and then fall asleep. You wake up to be in Zen arms. "Where am I?" "When I came out here I saw you had the TV on watching one of performances, I came in and rapped you in my arms and put a blanket around you so you wouldn't be cold once you work up." He's so sweet~! "Aww thanks babe." He kisses you on the forehead. "Anything for you my love." "Do you have work today?" "Yes..." You show him the frowny face "I'm sorry baby, it's just I have to go to work. If you need me to come home at any time, just text me or call me and I will answer as soon as I can." "Really?!" "Really. I must answer to you. Everything you need is important to me, I have to make sure your okay. How about I go make you some breakfast.." "Okay." You follow him to the kitchen dragging your blanket with you. "Is that blanket now apart of you?" "Yes, I will drag this blanket across the world with me if I had to." Zen laughs, "You always had a good sense of humor." "I still do!" Zen chuckles, "Ta-Da, it's done!" He gives you your food, "This looks so good!" You start to eat your food like there's not tomorrow, Zen makes something for himself. Then Zen has to go to work. "See you soon babe!" "Okay, love you!" Then he's gone, you watch Zen's shows and then you make yourself some lunch. Once your done watching most of his shows, you watch a movie. While your watching the scary movie Zen tries to sneek in unseen, you hear the door unlock and you scream "AHHHHHHHHHH THE BAKERS GONNA GET ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zen then swings open the door throws his stuff on the floor and runs to you. "WHATS GOING ON BABE?!" "Oh, it's you!" You hug Zen. "WHAT HAPPEND?!" "I was just watching a scary movie and I thought the killer was going to unlock the door and kill me." You smile in relief that it was just Zen. "Babe, you scared me!" "I'm sorry. I'm still scared." Zen ramps you in a blanket and sits right next to you. Once the scary movie is done. "That was a scary movie, not for me, I don't get scared that easy." "You so brave." You chuckle after you said that. Afterwards you and Zen eat dinner. Then you go and take a shower and get dressed into pajamas. "I'm going to head to bed." "Alright." You jump on the bed and get under the covers. Zen comes and gets under the covers too. He kisses you on the forehead and you go to sleep.

After The Party (Mystic Messenger Zen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now