Love Sick- Jim Kirk

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A/N: So I've gotten a ton of requests for some Jim Kirk love and decided to finally give it a shot! This is my first time writing his character and the Star Trek world in general. TBH I don't much about the Trekkie universe so I made up some things and used google for others. Hopefully I'll get a little better with Jim's character asI continue to practice. But I LOVED writing this! So much fun! Hope you enjoy!


"You're pushing it, Vi. Another minute and you'd be late."

I rolled my eyes playfully as I brushed past the dark haired doctor and into the ship's clinic. "Oh come on, Bones. As you just stated, I'm not even late yet. And you're already giving me a hard time. Is that anyway to welcome a girl aboard?" I joked.

"Welcome aboard. Don't be late. How's that?" He said sarcastically.

I hid my smile, knowing full well that Bones' gruffness was just a cover up for the softer side of his personality. He was one of the kindest people I'd ever met, yet for some reason always seemed to get embarrassed whenever I brought this up. I suspected it had a lot to do with his past. Specifically his ex-wife who had royally damaged him.

"If I'm not mistaken, Doc, you specifically requested me as your intern." I said lightly, pulling my hair back into a ponytail and using the reflection from one of the glass medicine cabinets as a mirror.

He huffed. "Don't get cocky about it." But even as he walked past, he squeezed my shoulder.

I tightened my ponytail and turned around to face the medical bay. I was so full of excitement, it was a wonder I hadn't exploded yet. Here I was, a Star Fleet medic in training. More specifically, a Star Fleet medic in training aboard the Entreprise. The Enterprise! It was an assignment any intern would've killed for and I'd been lucky enough to have been plucked straight from medical school by Dr. McCoy himself. He'd visited the school on several different occasions, both to instruct and to scope out new recruits.

I hadn't even realized he'd noticed me until he'd contacted me a few months before the start of the new school year, asking if I'd be interested in taking my training aboard an actually Star Fleet ship. He'd almost taken my speechlessness as a refusal, until I stammered out an 'are you serious?'. Since then, my life had been a whirlwind of training and preparation for this very moment.

"What the hell did you do now?" I suddenly heard Bones sigh.

I turned away from the data I'd been logging into the computer system to see a towering 6'0" frame in the doorway, sky blue eyes glinting with amusement.

"Really? How about 'are you okay, Jim'. We really gotta work on that bedside manner." The man said sarcastically and I fought back a smile. He was cradling one of his hands against his chest, and I could see a white cloth wrapped around his palm.

Whoever he was, he was sure nice to look at. The eyes alone were enough for reason to stare, but then factor in the height, the cute boyish face, the slightly mischievous smile...If I hadn't been a trained medical professional, I might've swooned at the sight of him.

Bones pointed to an empty medical bed and the man sat down without complaint.

"Maybe I'd be more concerned if you hadn't sauntered in here, like you were just out for a stroll. I hardly think a flesh wound is cause for alarm." Bones muttered. "What did you do anyways?"

"Cut it." The man answered with a simple, nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

Bones back was to me, but I was almost certain he was rolling his eyes. "Violet, patch up the captain for me, will ya'? Consider this your first trial run."

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