Colonial ~ Prologue

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"Mommy! Mommy! Look at that dwess, mommy!"
The day was August 19, 2007. The seasons were beggining to change from summer to fall, which was very common for Anchorage, Alaska this time of year. It was near noon, and mother and son were walking around downtown Anchorage, window shopping. Beautiful dresses and suits along with childrens clothing were hung up for display at Second Run, a clothing thrift store.
Mother, Katherine Summers, watched intently as her son, Colonial Summers, stared longingly at a beautiful dress displayed at the window display. It represented the attire of a princess dress. Royal blue in color, it had glassy diamonds sparkling down the front side of the dress, all plastered on a transparent fabric that overlapped the blue dress fabric. Both mother and son gapped at the dress before their eyes in front of them.
"Well mommy, isn't it just-wow?" Katherine glanced at her son and smiled a polite smile, "Why yes, wow is a good word to describe it."
Colonial hadn't taken his eyes off for a moment. Imagining how the cloth would feel if he wore it himself. He would run his hands over the sparkling dimonds, feeling the structure of each crystal. He would show it off to his friends, how jealous they would be when they would see him in it! But they could simply not afford such an attire.
Colonial sighed and reached back to his mothers side then grasped her hand. "Momma?"
"Yes my little general?"
Ignoring the very old joke that he was given to him since he was born, Colonial tried to gather his thoughts, "I really want that dress, mommy."
"Hmm is that so?" His mother replied.
"Mhm." His mother thought for a moment, "More than legos?"
"Oh yes, mommy."
"I see." Colonial wasn't expecting a simple answer. Perhaps a laugh along with shock of how he wanted this dress more than he wanted legos, seeming as he always asked for legos on his birthdays, Christmas, even in gift baskets for the Easter holiday.
Tension grew between the two as the silence continued, but Colonial didn't understand why that was so. He just wanted the dress, what could possibly be wrong with that? He knew that most boys wore suits, but what if everyone thought this way about dresses and kept it all inside? Should he have done the same and kept it in? No, he convinced himself, there was nothing wrong with wanting to wear a dress.
"Mommy, is something wrong?"
A cold wind blew through the street brining a chill down the son's spine. It was to get cold soon, which meant his mother would want to head home quickly.
His mother quietly looked around the streets to the sidewalks and neighboring stores. Barely anyone was out now. Tourist season was over, people worked durinf the noon hours leaving buisnesses without customers. The absence in people it made the street look very vacant and lonely. However, Katherine was relieved that no one was around at this moment. No one to see that her son wanted something so feminine only to point and stare at them, sneering their hateful comments towards them for something that did not even concern them.
Katherine grabbed her son by her shoulders and bent down to reach his height. Which for a boy of only 5 years of age, she bent down pretty far. Looking into his eyes she explained, "Why not enjoy a suit instead?"
"Wh-why should I like the suit instead? Why cant I want the dress?"
"Well you see Col, dresses are for girls. You are a boy, and boys wear suits."
The boy stared at his mother, not quite getting what exactly was wrong with the situation.
"But mother I don't want a suit, I want to wear a dress. Does that make me a girl?"
A second wind harder then the first blew into their clothing, bringing an even colder chill running up their spines. This had only seemed to make the situation worse. Katherine stood up and placed Col on her hip walking quickly to the transit station. She figured it would be faster then him trailing behind her trying to keep up with her pace.
"You will not say a word of this to your father. Do you understand?"
The tone of her voice , serious and urgent, was a tone she did not use frequently with Colonial. If she ever did it was for misbehaving or eating sweets after bed. But even then they were not words so full of urgency as the words spoken just now. He must've said something really wrong.
"Mommy, what did I do wrong?"
The sadness made the mother want to comfort her son. Hug him and say that everything was fine, forget this happened, and continue on with life as everyone else does. Then she thought of her husband, and how she needed to keep a demanding demetor for her sons own well being.
"The dress. Don't speak of it to your father. With me it's okay, but you see honey his believes are that of a different one. And even you cannot change his mindset. It is for your own good that you forget it and move on, am I understood."
Colonial could only nod his head as his tiny brain scrambled the unknowledgable words that he could not make sense of at that time. So he wanted a dress? That didn't make him a bad person. If only he was given a bigger explanation back there, in that exact moment where it all started. Perhaps that would save him from alot pain in the future, perhaps not. No one could know.

Woooo first one done! I have a ton of ideas but honestly i'm excited to see how this goes. If only I didn't have a freaking biolody test :,( thnk you so much for reading!! Chapter one will be up shortly my lovlies! Have a good day. Top of the evening to ya.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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