I Knew You Were The One

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Hi, Monique here. Do you ever feel like someone loves you but doesn't know how to show it. Well that's the story of my life. He's the jock, I'm the nerd. As usual I'm the one who always gets hurt in this situation. I get laughed at on a daily basis, by now I'm use to it. But enough of my boring so called "Life" I got to get to class.


8:45am- Algebra 3

"Alright class let's have a seat so we. an get started" Mr. Malcolm announced as he wrote numbers on the board. Half of the class sighed, including Shaun Young, Captain of the football team and his three friends; Chris Davis, Marcus Lattimore, and Kevin "KG" Garrett. I was always one to finish first so I wasn't surprised when I finished and others were still working.

The struggle is real in this room. Should've payed attention in class yesterday. Mr.Malcom looked up from his papers and stood. He walked over to the board. "Okay students, how many of don't have a absolute clue of what you're doing." 10 hands sprang up and he just shook his head. "And how many of you know or at least have an idea of what you're doing" 23 hands arose from their now resting position. 10 to 23 not a very good ratio. "Okay then let's move on class. Who know the answer to number 3." he said searching the room for hands. His eyes landed right on Shaun who was eager to answer the question. "Yes Mr. Young" our teacher said with enthusiasm. I chuckled as Shaun began to explain his answer. "12,479" "and sir you are correct" Mr. Malcolm beamed. Smart kid I thought to myself as I fiddled with my diamond Rolex. What I may be a nerd but I do have style. As class continued  barely looked up from my binder. I mumbled to my self as the bell rung. Did I mention I have PE with him too. How fun..... Not.

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