Kiss Me Like One of Your French Girls

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You thought that the hunt couldn't have gotten worse. It did. Rain was now pouring down and you were soaked to the bone. The demon had beaten you up pretty bad, but you'd live. The only thing that was in your wallet was a quarter and a note that said "I O U -Dean". You left your cellphone at the bunker. It felt like you'd been walking for miles. Then you noticed the house.

Well, you couldn't really call it a house. The thing had a garden. With a fountain. It was a mansion. None of the lights were on and the door was unlocked. The inside was quite fancy as well. Crystal chandeliers, oil paintings, you name it. But the place looked like it had been abandoned for years. Dust covered everything, there was a large hole in the wall and for some reason, the floor was covered in salt.

You crept up the spiral staircase. The only thing that light up the hall was your flashlight. You'd stay the night and call the boys in the morning (if the place still had a working phone). Whatever playboy billionaire used to live here was long gone.

You opened two large doors. The main bedroom actually looked quite neat compared to the rest of the house. You grabbed some silk pajamas and changed into them. They were a bit loose, but it was better than soaking wet flannel and leather.

Once you were changed, you dumped your bag on the floor and flopped down onto the king-sized bed. Velvet sheets caressed your figure. Your nap was short lived. About two minutes later, you were awoken when the lights flicked on and a voice asked "Who the bloody hell are you?"

You got up to find a man holding a glass of whiskey staring at you. He had blue eyes, short blonde hair and stubble. He was wearing a grey v-neck shirt, a thin silver chain necklace, black pants and a matching black jacket. He was pretty good looking to say the least.

"I'll repeat myself." He said in a British accent. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?"

"T-this is your house?" You stuttered.

"Yes... And what are you doing in here?" He asked.

"Well, it was late, raining and I don't have a ride or any money on me. I thought that the house was abandoned so I decided to spend the night." You explained.

"Well it's not."

"Then you should fire the cleaning staff." You told the stranger.

"Take my clothes off-"

"Woah there buddy! We just met!" You laughed.

"I didn't mean...just get your clothes on and get out." The man threw your hunting bag at you. It hit the bed and your stuff went everywhere. A knife, a container of salt, a flask of holy water, a gun, and plenty more hunting equipment.

"Shit!" You exclaimed, frantically shoving things back into your bag.

The man picked up your holy oil container. "This stuff yours?" He asked.

"Yes. Don't touch it." You snatched the container out of his hands. "Now I'll get changed and then get out of your hair. See if I can find a warm park bench to spend the night. See ya Scrooge!"

You got up but the man grabbed your shoulder. "Are you a hunter?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was out with some buddies. Got a deer and some rabbits. Missed the last bus home, so I'm here!" You said, going for the first cover story than came to mind.

"I know you're lying. Are you a hunter? Do you hunt demons and other nasty creatures?" He asked.

You snorted. "You're crazy. Demons aren't real." He grabbed your arm and pulled up your sleeve. "Easy there buster, you're getting a bit to handsy there!" You exclaimed.

"An anti-possession tattoo? Please, I know a hunter when I see one." He said, letting go of your arm.

You narrowed your eyes at him. "So what if I am? Are you a playboy by day, hunter by night? Or..." You grabbed the holy water flask and splashed some in his face. It didn't burn, so that was good.

He looked annoyed as he wiped his face with his jacket sleeve. "I'm not a demon. Nor am I a hunter. I-"He paused to give his next statement a more dramatic effect. "-Am an angel." He bowed.

You looked him over for a minute. "An angel? Prove it." You demanded.

He sighed. "Very well." He looked down at his now empty glass. "I fancy a bit of champagne. You want some champagne?" He asked before disappearing.

You let out a small yelp. He appeared right next to you a second later with two glasses of champagne. He handed you one and gulped the other down in five seconds flat. You cautiously took the glass and slowly sipped the bubbling drink.

"Okay, so you're an angel. What's you name?"

"What's yours?"


He held out his hand to you. "Balthazar."

"Hold on, Balthazar? The Balthazar? I thought you were dead!" you said.

"And who told you that?" He asked.

"My friend. Castiel."

You noticed that he flinched slightly at the name. "Of course he did. He tell you how I died?"

"He told me he killed you. He told me that he was out of control and you did the right thing to try to stop him. He told me that he regretted it, that it was all his fault."

"Of course he did." Balthazar said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"But he's different now! He sort of went on a rampage before the leviathans escaped his body. Then he died. Then he came back. After the angels fell, he became human. Then he died again. And came back, again. At last he got his grace back."

"The little bugger deserved all that. He was my friend and he betrayed me."

"Hold on, didn't you fake your death in heaven, only to go on and trade for human souls? So I'm guessing you faked it again."

"I'm not stupid! I knew that I would probably get caught when I sided with the Winchesters. So I used an artifact-"

"Which you stole."

"-Which I borrowed. The holy grail to be exact. I did die, but I came back. Hurt like hell, but it was worth it. So I hid, like I always end up doing. Nobody's found me until.."

"Until me." You cut in. "So what now? You kill me?"

Balthazar chuckled. "Of course not darling, you're far to beautiful to kill."

You froze. "What?"

"Did I say that out loud?" He looked at you and laughed. "Please, I can read your thoughts. I know you feel the same way."

"You...I...get out of my head!" You yelled. But it was true. You had fallen for the charismatic angel. You sat back down at the foot of the bed. "You know what, why don't you tell me your side of the story? I've got nowhere to go."

"Of course. But first..." He grabbed you and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. Time seemed to slow down as your lips touched. You pulled away after a while, smiling.

"That...was amazing."

"Stick around and I'll show you more." Balthazar winked. He summoned a bottle and held it up. "Champagne?"

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