The Forgotten Ones

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Legend of the White Werewolf

The Forgotten Ones

By Crystal Dawn

Copyright 2013 Crystal Dawn

Smashwords Edition

Cover by Eagle Eye Covers

Editing by Eagle Editing

This is a work of fiction. Some of the places are real, but the characters are imaginary.

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Dedicated to my readers who are truly awesome and prose 3 for all the help they have given me in my writing and this book particularly.


No one knows how long they have been here. Many think they have always been here, since this world was new. They are the stuff of myth and legend, but would you really be surprised to find out they are real? Would you be shocked beyond belief or would you begin to remember many mysteries that this will answer? Have you seen them, but doubted your own eyes? They hide in the shadows in their wolf form. They protect themselves with large land holdings that belong to their packs. They are governed by an old system that puts an alpha in complete control. They rarely add humans to their numbers, but I can tell you without a doubt that sometimes they do.

I was one such human. I caught the eye of an alpha and he changed my life forever. The change is difficult. Many die because their fragile bodies can't make such a drastic change. It is easier for women than men. This is because women's bodies are made to handle the changes of carrying a child, not because they are stronger or tougher. It is painful and I will never forget the agony I felt. Was it worth it, you might ask. I will tell you my story and you decide.

The Forgotten Ones

Chapter 1


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