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I was offended that Assassino said that because it sounded mean but I couldn't remember what the TD in STD was so it didn't bug me long. Eventually Emelie came back and she had some guy fawning over her at her side. He had a bowl of grapes, which he was feeding to her by hand.

"Peachie!" Emelie grinned and bounced up and down. I opened my arms for a hug, expecting that that was what she wanted. The model gently patted me on the head and pushed down my arms. "Isn't Kyle Biker the best?"

I completely disregarded her question. "Unlike a slightly more intelligent character would do, I'm going to talk bleep about Assassino while he's on his knees three feet away."

"Oh," Emelie nodded. She looked to the other guy, who also nodded and shrugged. "Okay."

"Assassino just confessed his love for Evelyn." I paused.

"Well we heard that from the other side of the room." said the insignificant grape guy. Emelie nodded and giggled.

"Buut, she's his step sister!"

Emelie clapped her hand over her mouth and the grape guy's too. She turned bright red and started to giggle. "Just when I thought you'd have a really cutie in this story." her giggle was contagious. Even Assassino was giggling as he laid on the floor of the cave curled into a ball.

"I'm a real cutie." the grape guy offered. Emelie shook your head.

"No you're just insignificant grape guy." I shrugged. Emelie nodded. "There's gotta be someone better."

"Well, we all know you'll run back to Rider James in the morning." Emelie said quietly, patting my head again. "But until then, we're gonna make him super jealous with Kyle Biker!"

"Okay." I nodded. "But how?"

"Super sexy lingerie, duh!" the supermodel shook her head and looked at me like I was more stupid than I already was. Which is physically impossible, but if it were possible.

She took me by my wrist and started towing me back to the car. "Evie!" she called. "Take the car back home? Peachie and I are buying lingerie from work!" even from the other side of the cave I could hear Evelyn's response grunt.

"How come she doesn't come?"

"Because she can't stand you." Emelie shrugged. "She said she's getting paid to keep this love... thingy going."

"Oh," I shrugged as we walked out of the cave and into the tunnel that connected to it. "That makes sense, most people can't stand me."

The two of us happily walked back into the main part of the city to the nearest Victoria's secret. In one of the underpasses on the way, I saw a five dollar bill on the street. A devilish grin crossed onto my face and I ran onto the street diving for the bill at the same time as a bus did.

The two of us collided just as the bus came to a stop. I hit it face first. When I bounced off, I landed on my back, staring up at the sun.

"Peaches! Oh my god!" Emelie stood above me in shock.



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