First Date

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"Okay, Y/N just calm down, it's just a date" you tell yourself while rummaging through your closet, desperate for something cute to wear.

Most people would say it's just a date, but to you it's not. It's a date with the girl you've been crushing on since kindergarten. Lauren Jauregui.

You want to make sure you look like you've made an effort but not over the top. You don't even know where you guys are going, all you know is that she's picking you up to take you to her surprise.

From Lauren
You ready? I'm parked outside babe x

Babe. She called you babe. Oh dear god this girl is too much, how are you supposed to act composed around her when she's calling you names like babe?!

You send a message back saying you'll be two minutes, and then quickly grab the first thing your hands touch. After slipping into black ripped jeans and a cute white top, you finish your look off with a black leather jacket and heel boots. Not too much, but enough to show you're making an effort.

Trying to get your anxiety under control proves to be difficult when you make it out the front door to find her standing, leaning against her car with a smile on her face and a rose in her hand.

"Wow, Y/N you look beautiful" Lauren smiles before handing you the rose, followed with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, so do you. And thank you for the rose" you reply, feeling your cheeks blush as she continues to smile at you.

"Anything for you, now let's get going."

Ushering you into her car, you quickly fasten your seatbelt and take a deep breath, but it doesn't stop your hands from shaking in your lap.

"Someone nervous?" Lauren asks, giggling as she watches you try to stop your hands from moving so obviously, but it's no use.

"Yeah" you admit, moving your face away from her gaze so she can't see your embarrassment. "Just a little."

Your breathing catches in your throat when you feel her fingers lace with yours, automatically stopping your hand from shaking.

"Don't be, it's just me" she explains, and you can't help but laugh at her words. "What? What's so funny?" she adds, her voice soft.

"Nothing" you smile while shaking your head, causing your hair to fall in front of your face. "It's just--nothing."

"Y/N, tell me" she prods, and this time you really find it hard to speak as her one free hand tucks the fallen strands of hair  behind your face, revealing your flushed expression. "Come on babe, spill."

Your eyes slowly move to meet hers, and you swear your heart stops for a second. There's something so incredibly hypnotising about her green orbs, you find it hard to stay calm.

"It's just, well you're not exactly 'just anyone' Lauren" you confess, and you can tell that your words confuse her. "You're so much more than that, that's all. So I'm finding it a little hard to not be nervous."

You bite your bottom lip, feeling both anxious and vulnerable, but the look in Lauren's eyes only lets you know that you really don't have anything to feel nervous about.

"You are so adorable, Y/N" she whispers, and you can see her eyes moving from your own, down to your lips and back up.

You stay in your positions for a few seconds, admiring the other before Lauren snaps out of her trance.

"Now, let's get going!" she squeals, causing you to jump a little, and her to laugh. "You're gonna love it Y/N."

And love it you did. She took you to the freaking aquarium. Anyone who knows you knows how much you love sealife, and the fact that she obviously did a little research into figuring out where to take you means the world.

You're both currently walking through the underwater tunnel, hand in hand. In fact, the only time your hand wasn't in Lauren's was when you had to get out of the car, but the second you were in each other's proximity, she would intertwine your fingers together.

"You having fun?" she asks, and the smile on her face creates a slight dimple in her cheek.

"Yeah, I am" you reply, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "This is the perfect first date, thank you Lauren" you add with a whisper, stopping in the centre of the tunnel.

"It is, isn't it?" she replies before taking a glance at your surroundings, causing you to do the same.

It's quiet, thanks to the fact that most kids are at school. In fact, you're both completely alone.

"Thank you for letting me take you out Y/N, I've been wanting to ask you out for so long" Lauren confesses, and you can't help but lower your head, feeling too giddy at her words.

"Really?" you ask, your eyes avoiding the green ones in front of you.

Two fingers touch your chin, forcing you to look up, and only then do you realize just how closely you're standing together.

One of Lauren's hands reaches for your waist, pulling you even closer.

"Really, you're beautiful Y/N" Lauren whispers, and you can feel her breath on your lips.

You swallow nervously before glancing at her lips. She smiles, causing you to do the same, and before you can process what's happening, her lips are on yours.

It sounds cliche, but her lips fit perfectly against yours, and the feel of her hands gripping your waist causes you to fight the moan forming deep in your throat.

Your hands find their way to the sides of her neck, and you can feel her body shiver slightly at your touch. It amazes you that you have this affect on her, when she's been making you weak at the knees for years.

"Wow" she whispers against your lips as uoi both open our eyes.

Looking deep into her green orbs, you see that her pupils are slightly dilated - the same as yours no doubt.

"Yeah, wow" you repeat before your face erupts into the biggest smile.

"Y/N?" Lauren asks, and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling even more.


"Would you, uh, would you wanna do this again sometime?" Lauren asks, and you're shocked to see her confidence facade disappear. She's avoiding your gaze and her hands are playing with yours.

Taking a leaf out of her book, you intertwine one of your hands, using the other to tuck her hair behind her ear, causing her to look at you.

"Lauren, I'd love to babe" you reply, immediately feeling your stomach do flips at her reaction to your calling her the same name she called you just hours earlier.

"Good" she giggles, "because I'd love that too."

Sharing a smile with each other, you take the opportunity to collect your lips once more.

"Good" you mumble against her lips, causing you both to erupt into giggles.

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