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The lights turn dim, it takes my eyes a long minute to adjust. Everyone becomes silent, curiosity engulfing the area. I carry my floor-length red dress and walk forward, towards the mini stage, where previously the DJ was standing.

"I, Today, am the luckiest man on earth," A voice creeps out of the speakers in the corners of the large wedding hall. The voice is very familiar, and I, like everyone else, instantly recognize the person behind it, "I have gone through this once and never thought i'd go through it again, mostly because i'm forty," I hear some faint chuckles from the crowd.

"Kendra Hedge, I have had the pleasure of you accepting my request to be my wife, and me to be your husband. I can now safely say I am the happiest any person can ever be. With you, my handsome son and my gorgeous daughter, my life is complete. To all three of you; I Love You." My father appears from the shadows as a bright spotlight is shown on him. His smile is brighter than I have ever seen it before and his suit made him look ten years younger than he actually was. His curly hair was all over the place from dancing too much, but it didn't matter to him, never did.

I try to fight back the tears as i wave at him, my smile ten times bigger than his. I chuckle at the sight of my brother tugging at Kendra's arm to pull her to Dad. Her elegant, sparkling white dress is nothing compared to the look in her face. She stood out, like she was supposed to. Her grin reflected her beauty and the way she walked screamed that she was the lady of the night. It looked as if she's been practicing this all year, and who knows, maybe she has.

Dad pulls Kendra into a hug, and Ashton, my fourteen years old brother, runs towards me, engulfing me into a bearhug. I try to balance both of us so that i don't fall on my head with him on top of me.

"What the hell is this for?!" I ask, trying to contain my laughter. He finally pulls away after three more seconds, straightening his suit.

"This was for you owning me a new playstation!" He exclaims, a devilish grin on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I try to act dumb, but i know better. Ashton and I made a bet a year and a half ago, when Dad started seeing Kendra more often. Ashton decided they would be getting married, and I, on the other hand, denied just because i didn't want to agree with him. Stupid, stupid fifteen years old me, always putting her future self into trouble.

Long story short, he ended up convincing me to buy him the latest Playstation version if they ever do get married. Although i doubted it, they did, in fact, get engaged. Soon enough they started arranging for their wedding, and Boom, i'm saving money to buy my teenage brother a Playstation.

"Ohh, You know exactly what i'm talking about!" He teases, wearing a smug look on his face.

"Go to hell!" I push him playfully, rolling my eyes.

"Not without my Playstation!" He yells as he walks to his group of friends.

I may be an annoying big sister, yes, but i'm a woman of my word, if you know what i mean. So basically the Playstation he kept babbling about for the past two months is waiting in his room, on his bed, with a ribbon and an I Hate You card on it.

"So I'm guessing he won, huh?" Landon, my father's little brother, teases as he approaches me.

"Oh, please, give me a break!" I complain, trying to sound tired.

"Poor you, I really wouldn't want to be in your place." He says as he sips his drink.

"Oh, but you would like to be the one who falls on his face before even starting to dance, huh?" I smirk.

"Please don't ever mention that ever, like ever, I mean, never, ever, again!" He frustratingly huffs. Landon is twenty three, and he's a good dancer; good dancers don't fall on their butts as soon as they start dancing, like Landon did earlier today. He wanted to impress his brother on his wedding day with a big performance but he fell in front of our entire family, and Kendra's family. I kept teasing him about it, even though he did wonderful when he gave it another try.

"End of conversation. Goodbye!" He says as i continue laughing, and i look at his figure fading into the crowd. Landon is the kind of family member a fifteen years old hormonal teenage girl would mention to her friends and show them pictures of, and I admit, I was one of those girls. To put it simply, Landon is hot. I used to wish I was five years older and not a Hedge just to make him fall for me. But i got over that, thankfully. Now he's the person that i trust very much, and is always there when i need him.

I turn my attention back to my Father and my stepmother, just to find them dancing in the centre of a group of slow-dancing couples.

I sigh, walking over to the drinks area. I've always wanted to try and slow-dance with someone; since I was ten, i kept practicing by myself in order to impress my future prince, but unfortunately, and not surprisingly, the prince hasn't found me yet, or i haven't found him yet, or he really isn't interested in finding a princess yet.

I spot a mini chocolate fountain on my way to the drinks buffet, and immediately change my path. Chocolate; my ultimate weakness.

Before i could reach the fountain though, I hear the large gate of the hall being pushed open with a loud thud as it hits the walls. Everyone freezes, and the music slowly dies down, a few murmurs could be heard from a distance but other than that, all attention is on the gate.

"Police! Everyone calm down!" A man shouts from the entrance, causing my breath to catch in my throat. Why would there be any need of police in my dad's wedding? Is this a false alarm? Who on earth called them?

"Who the hell yells 'Police' and then 'calm down' right after?" Ashton whispers as he approaches me. He didn't look slightly nerved.

"Is this really all you're thinking about right now?" I ask quietly, waiting for anything to happen to clarify my thoughts.

"No, bu-"

"Landon Hedge, you're under arrest! Please show yourself!" The same man yells, cutting Ashton off. He grabs a handcuff from his back pocket as he walks forward.

"Here, sir." Landon appears from the crowd, looking rather unnerved and casual. He was as calm as he always was, which in these events made no sense to me whatsoever.

My eyes grow wide and my heart starts beating quickly in my chest. I seem to forget how to breath and all i can think of doing is running towards my uncle.

"No! There must be a mistake!" I yell as i run towards them, trying my best not to trip on my dress.

"Ivy, calm down. It's alright." Landon speaks calmly. The way he's speaking is making me mad! How can he act as if this is common for him? As if he gets arrested every other day!

I don't reply. I don't get the chance to, anyway. As soon as the handcuffs click against his wrists, I know there's no use of further excuses.

"Well, I guess we should be glad we got married before the arrest." I hear my father whisper behind me, talking to Kendra.

Landon doesn't let me ride along, the officer says there's no point anyways. Everybody goes home. My father drops my brother and I home before changing and following Landon to the police station.


"No! That is absolutely not going to happen!"


"No buts! There is no way on earth am i going to let you-"

I wake up to loud yelling coming from the room next-door, which is very odd. They never fight. I never thought they had or would have a major or serious fight, anyway. Let alone on their wedding night. What the hell is going on?

I look at the clock on my wall, trying to see clearly in the dark. It's ten past three in the morning, who fights at ten past three in the morning?

I pull away the cover over me and

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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