Nice Pants. Take them off now

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Well this is my first story(: I hope you like it! Grammar probably is bad. Dont judge(:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hun, make sure you pack everything. We can't leave anything behind. They new family wants us out in an hour" my mom said to me.

I should probably give you some background on me and everything. My name is Ana. I am 16. I turn 17 in a month. I live with my mom is 38. Her name is Shayla. I am the only child. My dad left when I was a month old. I never knew him. I heard he was great at first. But anyway, I have moved a lot in my life. This is my 10th house. Well, were moving because my mom couldn't make the rent on the house. We live in San Fransico, California. Now were going to San Diego because my mom's sister lives there. Back to where we were.

"Yes, mom. I'm almost done."

I put the last shirt in the box. Great, now time move again. I kind of liked this house. It was small but yet roomy. If your wondering if I have friends. No, I don't. There wasen't enough time to talk. Plus I like keeping to myself. Oh, I'm not ugly either. I consider myself, an ok looking. My hair is down to my chest. It's a dark brown with a tint of red in it. I have light green eyes. My eyes are pretty big. I think I look like a hamster. I'm about 5'5. I'm not skinny nor big. I have a small nose and light freckles.

My mom walked into my room. Or old room. "Ana, are you done?"

I sighed a little and ran my hand through my hair. "Yeah. Lets go mom."

The movers came in a took my boxes and bins to the truck. My mom and I got in her tiny yellow neon. We pulled out of the drive way. I'm gunna miss this. I pulled out my Ipod and put in my ear phones. I turned on my favorite song, A little bit stronger by Sara Evans. I got to me stronger. I slowly drifted into a nap


My mom woke me up when we got to the new house. It looked ok looking. It was small and tan. It had a nice yard. I hope i'll like it. I got out of the car and stretched. The moving van pulled up. Great, time to unpack.

I grabbed a box and started to walking to the house. I tired to open the door. I looked and saw my mom was talking on the phone. I didn't want to disturb her. I struggled again and I was about to drop the box when someones hand opened the door. I quickly repositioned the box and looked to the side. I saw a guy. He looked about 17 or 18. He was about 6'2. And he had some muscles. Not over doing it. He was very tan. He had jet black hair. Kinda looked a dark brown too. He had dark grey eyes. Maybe with a hint of purple in them. Over-all he was cute.

"Thank you. I swear I was gonna drop the box" I smiled slightly at the stranger

He nodded a little and smiled. Wow..he has white teeth and a cute smile. "No problem. You must be my new neighbor. I'm Noah."

"Yeah. I'm Ana. Nice to meet you."

"I like your name. Its cute"

I blushed a little and I bet my cheeks were a light pink. I than heard a honk. I looked up and saw a red convertible pull on the side of the rode. I looked at Noah. He looked at me and looked uncomfortable.

"Uh. I should probably get going. See you later. Bye." He said

"Yeah. Bye"

I walked in the house and dropped the box. I looked at the car. A beach blonde girl was making out with Noah. I got a pain in my stomach. Like I wanted to cry. I brushed it off and went to go grab another box.

About an hour later my mom and I got all the boxes and furniture in the house. We decided just to set up our beds now and unpack everything else tomorrow because were too tired. Our house has two floors and 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms and one family room and small little kitchen. It reminds me of our old house. I got the room downstairs. Peace and quiet.

I thought of Noah before I drifted into a nice blissful dreamful sleep.

I woke up around 8:00 a.m. I looked at my BlackBerry Torch and saw I got a message from my mom. It read. 'Hun, went Aunt Mary's house. Be back in an hour'. Great. Home alone for awhile. No food. I guess I could go for a run to clear my head. I looked through one of my clothes box and found a pair of shorts and a tan top. I slipped them on and grabbed my Ipod. I started running around the block.

Before I knew it I ran around the block about 10 times. I was gunna run around one more time but I ran into someone. I hit my face on their chest.

"Ouch!" I grabbed my nose. I don't think it was bleeding. I looked up to see what I ran into. It wasen't a thing. It was a person. Guess who. Noah. I backed away slightly. I was gunna run around him to get back to my house but he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey Ana!" He sounded very excited.

"Oh. Hey Noah."

He smiled at me and let me go. "Where you goinng?"

"Back home. So if you would excuse me."

I started walking back the little ways to my house when I heard him shout. "Ana! Did I do something?"

I turned around and shook my head no and ran into my house. I don't know why but the tears came. Why did he have this affect on me. I went to go take a shower.


Well that was the first chapter(: I hope you liked it. Give me feedback! Vote, Comment, Fan(:

Sorry for grammar.

Hailey Ann

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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