spin me around

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Lauren is having a weird dream. She's back home in Miami and her little sister brings Lauren's ex-boyfriend—Luis Felipe (fuck him)—home, declaring that they're together. Lauren is just about to freak out on her when she wakes up.

Her eyes flutter open and she squints at the soft sunlight falling through the window. She's got a face full of dark hair and a warm body pressed against her. She smiles when she recalls watching a movie last night with Normani and falling asleep in her bed.

Normani is using her arm as a pillow and it feels pretty dead so Lauren tries to slip it out from underneath her without interrupting her sleep. She doesn't succeed, because Normani is such a light sleeper and she immediately stirs awake.

She yawns and turns her face, bleary eyes meeting Lauren's.

Lauren smiles.

"Morning, babe," she says and is a bit surprised by how throaty her voice sounds. Before she can think more about it Normani's expression changes drastically; suddenly she's wide awake, her eyes nearly popping out of her skull as she stares at Lauren.

The next thing Lauren knows is a powerful kick in the gut that sends her tumbling off the bed. She groans as she clutches her tummy, rolling around on the floor in pain

"What the fuck..."

"Who the fuck are you!"

Lauren looks up at Normani who's staring down at her from the bed, her hair a wild bird nest around her face and she looks utterly freaked out. Lauren just stares at her, disorientated and confused.

"Mani?" She attempts to sit up but the next second Normani smacks her with a pillow.

"Stay down you fucking pervert!" she screams, "What the fuck are you doing in my bed!"

Lauren cradles her head, shielding herself from Normani's attack, "Normani, what the fuck!"

Apparently, her friend has gone completely bonkers overnight.

"How do you know my name!?" Normani sounds downright hysterical and she takes several steps bag, snatching her purse from the floor as she frantically searches for something inside. "Are you one of those super crazy fans? Did you break in!! I'm calling the freaking police!"

She's got her phone in her hand now and Lauren's eyes widen.

"What? Mani, no!" She exclaims and quickly rolls to her feet, jumping towards Normani.

Normani screams and the next second she's got a purple bottle in her hand that she aims at Lauren.

Lauren's eyes widen when she realizes what it is. "Mani, no—!!"

It's too late, Lauren gets an eyeful of pepper spray and she howls as it burns her eyes. She stumbles back, losing balance and landing flat on her ass. Her eyes water, the skin around her eyes burn and her nose runs uncontrollably.

She can't believe this is happening.

"911, what's your emergency?"

Lauren tries to open her eyes but it hurts too much.

"Mani, what are you doing, it's me, it's me, Lauren!"

There's a beat of silence.

"911, please state your emergency?" the voice urges.

"Holy shit," Normani whispers, "Sorry, it's nothing. Sorry!"

Lauren squints at her through her burning, teary eyes and sees Normani stare at her, mouth hanging open.

spin me around | camrenWhere stories live. Discover now