Signs at the Movie Theater

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A/N: Now I know some of the information may be wrong. That may be so because your Moon or Ascendant sign has a bigger impact on your personality. Welp, enjoy the rest of this book! ^^ 


Aries: Sits through the entire movie without having to go to the bathroom

Taurus: Chews popcorn really loudly

Gemini: Watches the movie twice so that during the second time, they can spoil the entire movie for their friends

Cancer: Sits through the credits to see if there's an extra ending scene

Leo: Gets up every three seconds to refill their drink

Virgo: Puts phone on silent but texts during the movie anyway

Libra: Talks loudly to the person next to them about what they think is going to happen next

Scorpio: Has the crying baby that they won't take outside for some reason

Sagittarius: Illegally records the movie just because of the fraud warning before the film

Capricorn: Sits in the very back of the theater so they can view their prey below them (O.o)

Aquarius: Becomes overly attached to a character that always dies

Pisces: Silently sits through the film like a nice person

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